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Vickytg says...

You people have no clue I left the Bahamas and now live in Canada its much safer for my wife and I. We can walk down the road and hold hands with out fear of who is going to try and hurt us. BTW I am married to my wife for 25 years now.

On Bahamians given asylum in Canada

Posted 24 March 2014, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Vickytg says...

So its your human right to marry who you love but its not our right to marry who we love. FYI there is already a legal same sex marriage in the Bahamas. Married by a judge 25 + years ago. I am one half of that proof.

Vickytg says...

"But what is the purpose of declaring that you are a homosexual? What is the purpose of that? What do we gain by it? I know people are saying they want rights. What rights do they want? They can go everywhere I go in this country"
The purpose is we declare it so one day we will have equal rights and we will not have to declare it we will simply live it. We will be able to marry who we love just like you. We will be able to hold hands with the person we love just like you. We will not have to stand and look someone in the eye and wonder if this is the day someone kills us because we are different. To receive proper medical care with out discrimination or judgement just like you.

Vickytg says...

there are documented cases of homosexuality in animals even some mate for life..

Vickytg says...

just in case some of you need to learn something backed with medical science.…

Vickytg says...

Yes I am wonder how you would explain Adam and Eve. First most males are XY chromosomes and god took woman from Adam wo0man XX chromosomes. Hhhmmm Adam is part woman... Now the good stuff. Adam and Eve had Cain and Able then Cain kills able and runs to the land of Nod where he marries his wife. What did Cain marry??? you have Adam Eve and Caine HHhhmmmm. How about the love story between Ruth and Naomi, the Love story between Daniel and the eunuch and lets not forget the love story Between David and Johnathan who professed he loved Johnathan more that a woman. shall we go one about bible stuff I have lots more.

Vickytg says...

you confuse sexual orientation with gender identity. There is medical science that proves even you were a girl the first 6 to 8 weeks in your mother womb. When did you choose to stop being gay??.
Now for the real stuff I am a gender variant human being the 3rd word said when I was born was boy because of the skin between my legs. Even though I grew up to be a man and I have a wife children and grand children. I am a woman now. My gender issues were medically noted since I was 10 (the oldest medical document I have) I have since gone through medical transition and sex change surgery. FYI I am proof that sexual orientation has nothing to do with gender identity as I am still married to my wife of 25 years and I have no interest in men what so ever. We are still very much in love with each other. BTW we are Bahamian and we were married in the Bahamas.

Vickytg says...

One question for the homophobes when did your choose to stop being gay??

Vickytg says...

well said