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Victor says...

As the Chairman of the South Abaco FNM, I feel I must say as I have said before that there were no 'secret meetings' and that the meetings Mr. Key described as 'secret' were actually attended my members of his own family.

On Edison Key: I am back home with the PLP

Posted 4 April 2017, 12:15 a.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

No, this is not the situation at all. Everyone who lives on Moores Island are Bahamian. The houses have also withstood plenty of hurricanes over the years; they are not mansions but they are not shacks, either. The land situation in Moores Island is very complicated and, in fact, this act doesn't do a darn thing to solve it. But you have totally the wrong idea about what has caused the problem and it's not the fault of the residents of Moors Island.

Victor says...

South Abaco is doing quite well, thanks.

Victor says...

There is not near enough time to form any sort of new political party. I do not believe any of the other six MPs plan to run, anyway. What is the point of a new party? Ms. Butler-Turner would do best to just run as an independent in LI and see if she can beat the FNM and then leverage her position as an independent depending on how close the results are. There are not enough PLP votes in LI to win even with a split vote, so no real danger of that.

On Butler-Turner in grassroots plan

Posted 30 January 2017, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

That is not the case. Sen. Dorris Johnson hit Opposition Leader Norman Solomon in the face with her umbrella once after he played a tape which revealed certain improper behavior which Dame Dorris did not want known to the public.

Victor says...

I am not sure why the press is so quick to give this backbencher space every time he wants to spout off about something, but he knows nothing of the situation in Abaco and would be advised to keep his mouth shut on the matter.

Victor says...

The only thing I'd really like to add is that I'm sorry things went down this way. We wanted to send Mr. Key off with full honors - still would like to, actually. The man has done a lot in his years of service.

Victor says...

Three cheers for the officer for doing his job. Shame on the parents and students involved and double shame on those who are complaining after the fact because the policeman had to intervene after his commends were not obeyed. What, should he have just sat back and let them fight?

Victor says...

Sherlyn Hall must be the worst Parliamentary Commissioner in history. After the horrible problems with reporting numbers in the last vote, he's been insisting everybody re-prove their citizenship. I don't recall any political party worrying about large numbers of people being registered to vote improperly in 2012 - they should just accept the 2012 cards as sufficient to re-register.
I mean, I don't care - I think this will benefit the FNM as they are more likely to have other forms of ID handy, but it's just foolish. This man needs to be replaced before the next election.

Victor says...

Honestly, he sounds kind of jerkish in this interview. What's his deal or is this still fallout from the infamous Ping handshake?

On Frank Rutherford hops into the Hall of Honour

Posted 15 October 2016, 10:45 p.m. Suggest removal