Comment history

Victor says...

How on earth do you forget to put the landing gear down?

Victor says...

Given their name, they should go for black and orange. And use the wheel of progress as their symbol one time.

On UDP will unveil new candidates this month

Posted 15 September 2016, 10:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

Hey, if they re-create the North Exuma seat (which was called Rolleville, btw), let's not run George, let's run Wydeon Pyfrom. Remember him? He ran for the FNM in 1977 (against the PLP and BDP) and notoriously got NO votes! Not even the five people who nominated him voted for him. He made the record books!

On George Smith wants to run in North Exuma seat

Posted 1 September 2016, 11:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

It's important to remember that Pauline Davis-Thompson won gold in 2000 in the 200M. She was not awarded it at the time because the cheating Marion Jones initially was given it, but this wrong was eventually righted and Pauline was given the gold that she earned.

Victor says...

The PLP would be a better party under Sears. They would have been a better party under Nottage. But it's not happening - those 'stale'wart counselors were trained by King Ping to be blindly loyal to their leader. Sears could win the vote of every elected delegate and not come close to winning the leadership race.

On Sears bids for PLP leadership

Posted 8 August 2016, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

Looks like he's still enjoying swimming in the vomit for his people.

Victor says...

Tennyson 'long line fishing' Wells supported the PLP in the last election. Why would it be news if he did so again?

Victor says...

As a delegate, I have no problem with it being on the frugal side. We don't need a bunch of bells and whistles. I'd rather the money be saved for the general election.

Victor says...

You can only think that Dr. Rollins is the worst MP Fort Charlotte has ever had because you are not old enough to remember Valentine Grimes. If you did, you'd know that nobody could compare to him.

Victor says...

I am a delegate from a family island seat. I have been contacted by neither Doc or LBT's teams with offers to pay for flights or hotel rooms and as far as I am aware, that's the case for my entire delegation. Furthermore, I don't think anybody in our group would be persuaded one way or the other by free lodging.

On Minnis: I’ll win leadership fight

Posted 21 June 2016, 8:28 p.m. Suggest removal