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If you still listenint to Renward then you just as foolish as he is. More of the fart vaccine Astra Zeneca, why cant we ever get any of the good drugs, i suppose our lives arent as important as the first world countries. He said that Phizer will be here, why couldnt we get the phizer from the onset.


I agree, this should be an opportunity for Bahamians. We dont need any foreign investments or any coaching on how to grow weed. Create some wealth for the everyday man



On Murdered Kenm was helping his friend

Posted 25 May 2021, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal


You missed his point

On AG: What is going on is not acceptable

Posted 22 May 2021, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal


Maybe they did, but if 100% percent of kids did 100% of what their parents told them, we maybe wouldnt be talking about this right now. Its a sad issue nonetheless, but its not always the parent fault.

On Student killed in school stabbing

Posted 19 May 2021, 6:50 p.m. Suggest removal


Remind me of the absurd amount of money they paid for the new police hot wheel cars. I can remember the amount was ridiculous! And when i went online to look at the price of the new police cars, we should have had alot more cars for the money they spent. Once again someones pockets were laced

On Software delay for MARCO Alert system

Posted 19 May 2021, 6:44 p.m. Suggest removal


I agree with you 1000 percent. Until we create a path to success for these kids besides academics, we will be royaly screwed. We need to invest more into their passions and talents, which believe it or not may not always require a book

On Student killed in school stabbing

Posted 19 May 2021, 6:18 p.m. Suggest removal


Its always easy to blame the parents, but if you be honest with yourself, coming up your friends were more influential than your parents. So give the parents a break. You dont know their home situation or anything about them.

On Student killed in school stabbing

Posted 19 May 2021, 6:14 p.m. Suggest removal


The more wells talk, the dumber and incompetent he sounds. You are the minister, and you are saying to your understanding? Shouldnt you as minister be on top of this issue, or know the specifics. At this point the average Bahamian takes everything he says with a cup of salt.


3.2 million huh? I wonder who pockets were laced. Its like these people are living back in the 90s. This technology is so old, that i find it hard to believe 3.2 millions dollars was needed for it. And a contract awarded for what? This system dosent need to be monitored. When a situation arrives, have that lazy police who is sitting in the office getting fat, hit the send button. Tada! Atleast 2.5 million saved

On Software delay for MARCO Alert system

Posted 19 May 2021, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal