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All talk and no plan.


The current administration has no long term plan on how to deal with this situation. And that is made even clearer by having to reevaluate the situation in the mext two weeks. The governments needs to be progressive and creative in order to balance the pandemic along with the economy and mentaly stability of its citizens. I assure you these lockdowns and restrictions are causing this country more harm than covid can. And if we are all in this together shouldnt my mental well being be a concern as well.


The plane diverted here simply because it was the closest airport during the time of the situation onboard. Some of you need a class in senstivity.

On Passenger death sees jet divert

Posted 5 August 2020, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal


These people are so jokey

On Johnson’s warning on work permits

Posted 5 August 2020, 9:19 a.m. Suggest removal


Because its complete nonsense to disrupt the welling being of citizens when u dont have to. All this govt is doing is killing the economy. I assure you we soon reach the point of no return


Dear friend, i dont care too much about party politics as neither party does anything for me. If my ma was in power i would call her out on dumb bs. Last time i checked the FNM is in power, so dont take praise if u cant take criticism. And as far as evidence of another party doing a better job, not sure how it would exist if the situation never was, and therefore the comparison cant be made. But hey in 2022 ill be criticising the PLP too when they do bs. Hope this makes you sleep better.

On Gym owners slam closure as 'unfair'

Posted 28 July 2020, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal


Its funny how the government lack of planning only heightened the risk of these passengers contracting Covid. This is all too common for this idiotic leadership we have. They cant seem to see pass whats right in the front of them and their poor decision making only endangers the survival of our economy and tourist industry. No plan for moving forward besides using lockdowns and measures while may have been proven to work, are surely not sustainable. We need a plan and a sensible plan in order to survive.


This PM will use numbers to continue to press his knee on the neck of the Bahamian people. His ignornace and arrogance are two sides of an incompetent coin.

On 65 new cases of COVID-19

Posted 28 July 2020, 7:16 p.m. Suggest removal


Paul Rolle needs to be dismissed. He is heading and has been aligned with the corruption in the police force. He is a shield for rogue cops who kill citizens without any justification. There has been little answers to the three men shot and killed in a parked car on gladstone road. He is a disgrace to the Bahamian public, and he should be charged in court for his numerous cover ups by the police. There is no accountability within this police force that he heads, and to him every police shooting is justified. This is what happens when you put criminals to head criminals. A shame!


I totally agree with you. We need to revamp the system in order to root out inequality and classism.

On Hilton halts operations ‘til October

Posted 28 July 2020, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal