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Cable bahamas service is hot trash, crappy service, crappy channels. I dont even see a need for traditional cable television.


Once again the minsiter makes no sense to me. For as long as the vaccines have been around, if someone was going to take it they would have signed up by now. The longer you go without getting covid or passing away from it the less likely you are to take the vaccine, so im not sure who there is to convince. Deal with it! The majority of Bahamians dont want the vaccine, and they never will. And even if we all decided we wanted to take it, the rate at which we are receiving the vaccines makes his dream of 80% not possible anytime soon


Great job and well done, but a 1,000 dollar reward for doing what you are paid to be doing. If only it was that east to get 1,000 in the real world. And im a bit tired of hearing that police risk their life on a daily basis, yea they do but whats what they signed up for, so get over it. If you scared go to church or just dont become a police. And if you dont want anyone making a mockery of you, then i suggest you stay inside your room.


Sorry, nobody cares for the small man


How about we just stop accepting cash everywhere.


Some of the tribunes articles are complete trash! Half ass stories with little to no information. And when therenis information its as if a fifth grader wrote it. Its a shame how they write stories just to be a mouth piece but never do any actual investigation to cover the facts on the story. Its amazing this is what passes as journalism in our country.


This article is horribly written. Its completely confusing.

On Two dead in Abaco plane crash

Posted 6 July 2021, 12:20 p.m. Suggest removal


Firstly there should be no age limits attached to this process. It should simply rely on the homeowners ability to pay or finance what is required. Secondly there will be no oversight of the selection process. We all know very to well that selection will be another corrupt process with consideration being given to friends andnor family. This here is another exploitation of poor Bahamians who in essence will be made to foot the tax exemptions given to the selected few. If not for ALL Bahamians this program makes no sense, and chances are will only benefit children of the so called elite or the elite themselves.


In other words, Bahamians just shut up and let this man make his money.


True story