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WOW2016 says...

It is my prayer that this family gets a good lawyer and sue Colina not only for the cost of the treatment but the inconvenience and embarrassment (emotional stress). This company has raped and robbed the Bahamian people for too long. Always raising premiums and never wanting to pay out claims. Always having some song and dance. I cry shame. I hope a lawyer is reading who will take this case pro-bono. We are talking about a young life. There is always recourse. Someone, please come to the aid of this family.

WOW2016 says...

Self-empowerment describes this young man. Do not sit around and wait for someone to do it for you. He has chosen to be a leader and not a follower. Commendable, simply commendable. May God give you the Wisdom, finances and physical fortitude to capture this seat in the next general election. God bless you Travis Robinson

WOW2016 says...

This article is extraordinary. There is so much truth encompassed within this article. You can feel the heart of the writer. Probably, seeing the disappointments of those in her circle or based on her very own experience. The truth is, so much of what happens in the Bahamas is politically motivated. The most illiterate individual will be your director of the department. Everything is base on seniority and not true knowledge and leadership ability. The Bahamas is not just experiencing brain drain there is a mass exodus of young movers and shakers who have the ability to shape this country. Why would they come home? What are they coming home to? What level of compensation will they receive when they come? The Government likes to pay outside consultants exuberant sums of money but the same qualified Bahamian will be overlooked Persons in the Bahamas who are considered "educated" and I use the term loosely are the ones that have been most instrumental in blocking the young minds from returning and making great contributions. As a previous comment said "greed and corruption" are the biggest reasons we see this type of behavior in our country. The Prime Minister and government officials have one track minds. It is all about the vote. I don't know when learning will truly take place in the Bahamas. injustice is so great on so many levels. May God bless this young lady for her voice for publically speaking her heart without fear. I applaud you, my dear. May you find success in all you do no matter where your career takes you.