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Walla says...

We need to be our own country and not fear America, they are a country in decline. America is making billions from marijuana and we are afraid they are gonna blacklist us again? Our country could profit so much from this plant, but no we gonna play little bitches to America. Grow a spine. You really think they gonna stop tourist if we make weed legal? I guarantee you that tourism will increase, both from America and everywhere else. Billions of dollars to be made, and with this plague lord knows we need it to get back up on our feet, and a banker is scaring us cause they scared they gonna lose money from they pocket. They don't care about the Bahamain on the street, they laughing at him/her as they roll by in they big time car. Apart from the money it will make us , imagine how much money it will save us if the police could deal with real crimes, if the court system was not clogged up with people being prosecuted for a joint? Rise up people and stop being slaves to bankers and rich people who just wanna keep things they way they are so they the big shots.

On US 'cut off' fear on marijuana pursuit

Posted 28 October 2020, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

Walla says...

Yeah he is disturbed he can't put the Minnis flip flop on it now. Why are we even having this issue in 2020? Make it legal and use the tax on it to find a hooks. Colorado USA gained over 1billion in tax money for their schools in the first year. Minnis need to get with it , or get out.

Walla says...

Now we talking, make money and lower cost. Use a plant to bring in prosperity.

Walla says...

It is not just in Marsh Harbour. My house was vandalized and a few days before I was harrased by s couple of forieners, the local officer told me he would be taking me to court for reporting them. He is getting his house rebuilt by these people so he has no intention of upholding the law. Pictures of my house were deleted from the local Facebook page and the poster banned. After a concrete block was thrown in through my bedroom window into my bed I fear for my life, and will do whatever is necessary to protect myself. The police are useless. Protect yourselves brothers and sisters.

On Abaco ‘has no law’ say residents

Posted 2 October 2019, 10:52 p.m. Suggest removal