Comment history

Waterman505 says...

LOL - Not on our radar, not contemplating it, but it's under consideration presently, but maybe just a little bit of exploration so we can threaten the world for cash while risking a spill, but definitely not drilling.

Oil is not the future. Just ban it already!

Waterman505 says...

Rubbish. This is major news. This report reveals how the government and company have failed to protect the community from toxic oil. They had 18 months to clean it up and thought no one was paying attention. This is the best use of a study unlike the comment you made. But by all means use that sunscreen.

Waterman505 says...

Good points by Rashema Ingraham and the OIOF coalition. I hope you can hold the new Davis administration to its word for action on climate.

Hint to Davis Administration:
Meaningful action on climate means NOT prospecting for new oil reserves to unleash more carbon pollution on the planet, as the International Energy Agency (IE) has now made quite clear in its Net Zero by 2050 report: "the Roadmap sets out more than 400 milestones to guide the global journey to net zero by 2050. These include, from today, no investment in new fossil fuel supply projects..."

Hint to Challenger Energy:
You are incorrect in your statements. You do not hold licenses in The Bahamas. Technically you could relinquish nothing at this point as your former licenses have expired. The government has now expanded MPAs over much of that territory so that will certainly need to be carefully considered before any new proposals can be seriously entertained. Also, you knew all along (for 10 years or more?) this was always a "Jurassic Play" as you put it (i.e. oil was always going to be deeper than 3000 some-odd meters you drilled on your ill-fated mission in February). You were permitted -and supposedly equipped- to drill much, much deeper than you did, but you have not disclosed what went wrong or why you stopped. And it seems you owe everybody money and are now just out looking for more. You have not paid your licenses fees and have been "in final negotiations" for how long now? - A year or more? Who is going to buy into your unproven expired licenses, that have back rent due, whilst you fight with your vendors over how much you owe them from the last failed venture? That you have any investors left is the real question.
Have a nice day.

Waterman505 says...

This is no way to run a poll. The government should have done a referendum to the people. If they did this whole corrupt venture would fail.

In the meantime here are 84,000 votes against it!…

Waterman505 says...

This is the exact location where BPC wants to drill for oil. Imagine what an oil spill here would do to one of the most important breeding locations for conch in the entire Caribbean! Is this disclosed in their Environmental Impact Assessment for the drilling project? Is the government even paying attention to the real resources that Bahamians value?

On Conch thriving on remote Cay Sal Bank

Posted 17 June 2020, 1:12 p.m. Suggest removal