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Weezie says...

So, if not Tourism, then what? I hear everyone bashing Tourism, let us diversify out of Tourism, but then they are no suggestions on what is going to replace Tourism.

Remember Tourism is the single largest employer in the world....and in The Bahamas. I hear, Tourism employs 2 out every 3 Bahamians and is the largest far.....of our foreign exchange, investment and tax receipts. No other industry comes even close to Tourism.

So, what are you going to replace it with in the short and medium term?

You call these idiots.....incompetent buffoons whose brain matter has turned into mush. I am waiting for your revelation so that I don't think the same about you.

Weezie says...

First of all, you don't have to come for 14 days. You can come for less days but then, you just have to quarantine for your entire stay.

Second, you say that all the tourists have to do is wear a mask and follow the health guidelines. So what do returning residents do? The same thing?

You cannot be saying that the tourists only have to wear a mask but returning Bahamians have to test and quarantine. There must be one rule for all. And, if you don't test and quarantine returning residents, you will have another even bigger outbreak. Been there, done that!

Weezie says...

Speak to any public health official. Antibody tests are a waste of time and money.

Weezie says...

Health officials have said over and over again that they have not been able to trace any positive COVID cases to tourists coming in the country. All the positive cases were because Bahamians went to the US and when they came home, they did not quarantine and went all through the community infecting their friends and family and co workers.

Weezie says...

Until you get rid of quarantine, which most countries have, hard to figure out how tourists are going to spread their spending around in local businesses. And do you want possibly infected tourists wandering around in your communities? Let them stay in their hotels for the time being. You really asking for another surge!

Weezie says...

People do NOT have to come for 14 days. They can come for less than 14 days but in that case they have to quarantine for their entire stay. And yes, Airbnb will be less attractive that a hotel which is on the beach and has more amenities. So, I guess more visitors will want to go to a hotel or pick an Airbnb which is on the beach and has a pool.

Weezie says...

I hope they open. We need the visitors to come because they are the largest source of our foreign exchange and tax receipts! And we need both to survive!

Weezie says...

You gatta read, man! He must take the more expensive test to come into the country (PCR test). But if any hotels want to test their staff, they can use cheaper, marginally less accurate tests. These cheaper tests are much much better than doing nothing and won't bankrupt the hotel in the meantime. And if these cheaper tests produce a positive, then the hotel can get the staff member to do the more expensive test to see if they are really positive. But the Ministry of Health won't use the results of the cheaper tests in their reporting because they only use the PCR test.

Weezie says...

The man said the tourist don't have to come for 14 days. Tourists can come for as long as they want. Most tourists, I think, come for 4 or 5 days. Don't think they will be trying to break out after 4 to 5 days. If you go to Jamaica, yall inclusive hotels are very popular with tourists. And in this COVID time, I would think that tourist would be happy to stay on the hotel property.

Weezie says...

Most countries do not test on arrival. They test 3, 5, 7, 10 days before arrival. Why? If a visitor is tested on arrival and they test positive, you cannot knowingly put a COVID positive person back on the plane and send them back. Airlines won't allow it! So, then you have to pay for a quarantine center and then put that visitor in your quarantine center at your own expense. You want to test before they come so that if they test positive, they don't come!

And remember, testing is not a solution all by itself. It has to be used with quarantine. You could get infected Day one, get tested on Day Two and you will still test negative. You only test positive once the virus build up to a sufficient level in your body. That is why they insist that you quarantine for 14 days when you reach.