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Westgal says...

I just have to come back to this foolishness that is pushed upon us. This is in the Tribune this morning. It says on page 4, that a total of 194 people died from Covid (that is since March of last year!!!!!!, remember that). I counted the people in the obituary today and there are 81 people that died this week alone from other causes!! What is the fear????? The vaccine is NOT necessary! Get your vitamin D and zinc, and turn off the TV and all social media and enjoy life!!! Trust in God. Do your research! The article also said that we had some 9700 cases total, since the beginning of this "Pandemic" and some 9100 recovered. (Some still have it right now). That's enough for me to confirm that if I get it, I can recover, like most other deseases, sicknesses or injuries. There is no long term data available for these vaccines! I have read MANY articles from Doctors that are being silenced because they dont speak the globalists agenda. I encourage you to do the same, before you take the vaccine. Get informed and then decide.

Westgal says...

I agree with Mr. Albury, but we must remember, this is much bigger than our little chain of islands. I believe the problem is, and we all know, that we have a 10 Billion Dollar debt as a nation, any money that the government now uses/needs to feed the nation, has to come from the IMF. And it is my believe that IMF makes all these stipulations to shut down the country. We have no choice but to obey, if we want money to feed the 110,000 people that are now out of a job, including me. You cant tell me that our educated government leaders can not see, that these lock downs do not cure the virus and devastates our economy to the point of suicide. So it has to be a monetary reason. We have to stop running scared from this virus and learn to accept, that it is here to stay and we need to find a way to live with it. Some of us will get it and will come thorough it fine with HXCQ Or other recommended medicine and very few of us will die from it, but we could die from something else as well. Death is part of life. When we accept that, and realize that God is in charge of when and how we die, we will not be fearful anymore.

Westgal says...

Its a good thing that the retail businesses have been able to hold on this long. In the tourism sector we have had no income since March and neither has the government been able to collect any VAT tax from the Tourism industry. Instead of locking us healthy people down, which is 99% of the population, why hasn't the government invested in more ICU beds to plan for an increase in cases. This virus is here to stay.
Why don't we hear, how Covid-19 can be treated if you catch it? What medicine can we take, and where we can get it? I have read in several articles that the HDCQ is indeed a successful drug and is cheap. I believe the reason why the authorities speak against it, is because the big pharma can't make money off of it and because President Trump took it as a preventative measure.
A vaccine may also help some, but that wont be until mid of next year. So do we just shut down everything and die, until they come up with a vaccine? I wont take it in any case, but that can be discussed at another time.
We have to focus on ALL the people that recover, instead of focusing on new cases and the deaths. There have only been 14 deaths. We have to remember that we all have to die at some point. If God chooses for me to die from Covid, then so be it. I will accept that as my lot. Why should the other 99% of the population suffer economic suicide?!?!
When the world suffered from the black plage a hundred years ago, and a lot of people died, they didn't shut down the economy then.
But this is much bigger than Covid. This is about controlling us and the entire world and it comes from the Chinese Communist Party. They already own us, with all their investments in this country! We can never afford to pay them back. There is no such thing as a free lunch. And I can imagine, that they are the ones offering us money, to bail us out. But I will leave it right here, as I have no proof.

Westgal says...

We as a country need to tackle this problem by its roots! Don't forget, the boat captains that bring the illegal Haitians here are bahamians!!! So the government needs to stop these boat captains. These captains are making a lot of money, because they are charging the immigrants anywhere from $3000.00 -$5000.00 a piece, from what I have been told. The legal Haitian people that I know here, are all kind, honest and hard working persons. They do contribute to the communities here. You can't stop the illegal movement here until you capture the boat captains. As long as there are boats, the illegal immigrants will come in search for a better life here in the Bahamas. Can you blame them?

On ‘Terrified Haitians going into hiding’

Posted 9 November 2014, 10:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Westgal says...

There should be a law that no government official is allowed to have a generator so when the electricity goes off, it will have the same negative effect on them as on the general public. You'll see how quickly they will fix the problem then!!

On HAVE YOUR SAY: BEC power cuts

Posted 30 July 2014, 7:39 a.m. Suggest removal

Westgal says...

I agree with you. This would be the best solution, however this solution would not provide the opportunity for someone in the government to have their hand in the deal, to get paid under the table!!!!!
That's the problem with all the government run businesses. Thats why this country will never move forward, because of the constant corruption! Unfortunately it seems that most of our politicians have their back pocket at heart, rather than the people of this country. How can this ever change? Unless the politicians change their attitude and become honest and use the tax money to run this country properly, you will never see any improvements!

On HAVE YOUR SAY: BEC power cuts

Posted 30 July 2014, 7:34 a.m. Suggest removal