Comment history

White_Massa says...

**"fnm wanted vat in 2-3 years", 1/25/13**

White_Massa says...

**the white massa tells the plantation slaves to get used to the other white massa - robert myers - cutting them off due to non payment**

the white massa has an excuse now.

White_Massa says...

**send him back to afrika?**

White_Massa says...

**wait a cotton picking moment**

White_Massa says...

**typical example of the negro treating the white massa different from the other slaves**

set the white massa free so your plantations may flourish.

White_Massa says...

**crime went up from independence day. should have stayed british**

White_Massa says...

**dna is the fnm who is the plp**

should have stayed with the ubp.

White_Massa says...

**the fnm ran the country so bad the murder rate more than doubled in their 5 years of hell**…

White_Massa says...

**under the fnm the bahamas had the highest murder rate ever to date.**…

White_Massa says...

**There were 127 homicides in The Bahamas in 2011, up from 94 in 2010**…