Comment history

Wideawake says...

Additional borrowing is unavoidable and what must be borrowed should be as little as possible, but cutting back on spending, eliminating waste, curbing corruption and stimulating the economy are by far the most important elements in rescuing our economy.

Wideawake says...

It is generally accepted that members of the last government misappropriated funds; the audits will reveal who stole what. The thieves must be prosecuted and the monies stolen must be repaid. If this process works effectively then the returned funds, and fines, should more than pay for the audits! In addition prosecution of those that stole will reduce the likelihood of rampant government corruption continuing.

Wideawake says...

The most important problem with corruption in The Bahamas has always been the the complicity of the Opposition in turning a blind eye to corruption within the Government of the day. This Minnis FNM Government must do exactly what they said and expose corruption wherever they find it, and really, yes REALLY!, let the law prosecute the offenders exactly as tthe law prescribes. There can be no more turning a blind eye to the misdeeds of politicians who steal. The wheeling and dealing between the new and the old administrations must stop, once and for all.

On Five years and no disclosures

Posted 31 May 2017, 10:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Wideawake says...

Agree absolutely!! Total sell-out, Sarkis getting shafted, Baha Mar staff getting shafted, Bahamian contractors getting shafted, PGC doing a sad and desperate shuffle in order to find a few crumbs to throw to the Bahamian electorate. Shameful, utterly and completely shameful.

Wideawake says...

Chyna Mar

Wideawake says...

May not lose with a little $$$ help from his new friends/masters!!!

Wideawake says...

I think we should stop using the term "tiefin" when such large sums of money are involved. "Tiefin" is taking a cookie from Grammy's cookie jar not Stealing tens or hundreds of millions of dollars of our money from the Bahamas Treasury!

"Tiefin" is forgivable, Stealing most certainly is not and should be prosecuted forcefully after the appropriate Commission of Enquiry and ANYONE convicted should be incarcerated in Fox Hill Prison.

The only Bahamians who would disagree with this are the thieves themselves. Surely honest right thinking Bahamians out-number them and can, therefore, out-vote the thieves!

On PM hits out at Baha Mar ‘lie’

Posted 25 May 2016, 2:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Wideawake says...

Red and green...just in time for Christmas!!

Wideawake says...

Too late for that!

Wideawake says...

Sometimes you can't see your house is falling apart if you are looking at it from the inside! Go outside and you see the peeling paint, the cracks in the wall, the shingles blown off the roof and even the fig tree growing into the septic tank!! If Lil Hubert doesn't want to leave the FNM house, then ask those on the outside looking in how the FNM house looks! i.e. ask the electorate!