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Wienersucks says...

As a 50 year visitor and former homeowner on Harbour Island, my family is devastated by the news of this terribly disruptive and selfish proposed development. Indeed the charm and character of one of the country’s crown jewels will be forever tarnished. The clear deception and suspicious pedigree of the developers should cause grave concern for Brilanders and all Bahamians. Generations of Bahamians and international visitors have proudly contributed in making the Bahamas a world class destination — it would be shameful to allow centuries of hard work, dedication, and true love in building such an admired community to be torn apart by a disengenupus, commercial project on Harbour Island.
Moreover, beware of the advertised economic benefits to the island — it has never been healthier and needs a 25-acre+, 83 villa, environmentally catastrophic “canal” like a hole in the head. Listen to Bahamian Lenny Kravitz - he speaks from the heart.