Comment history

WinstonSmith says...

Why is the government completely incapable of listening to anyone's advice regarding grid tie? There will be absolutely nothing "taking off" without the enabling of grid tie PV systems.

What a massive waste of time.

On BTVI readies for solar 'take off'

Posted 8 March 2014, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

WinstonSmith says...

He tries though, it's just that those raging emotions and knee jerk ad hominem attacks always seem to get in the way!

On Bahamas 'to consider medicinal marijuana'

Posted 27 February 2014, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

WinstonSmith says...

Goodbye Tribune, it was mediocre at best.

On Bahamas resident ‘reverses ageing process’

Posted 23 February 2014, 11:27 p.m. Suggest removal

WinstonSmith says...

Can you name any pastors that are actually driving $75,000.00+ vehicles?

On Tempers rise in wake of alleged attack

Posted 4 February 2014, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

WinstonSmith says...

Violence is the problem, it is not any part of the solution.

On March to include effigy of hanged man

Posted 1 February 2014, 11:41 p.m. Suggest removal

WinstonSmith says...

Do you not realize that your inability to type a coherent response without resorting to childish attacks is a recurring theme that only adds to the noise on these forums?


Posted 30 January 2014, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

WinstonSmith says...

| I dont talk to criminals.

Too late. Better luck next year.


Posted 30 January 2014, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

WinstonSmith says...

“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”

― Isaac Asimov, Foundation

On Moncur: Thousands to march for hanging

Posted 30 January 2014, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal

WinstonSmith says...

A valid point, but still, regardless of the cost of taking care of 30 horses immediately, there is still the issue of future horses and future incidents and future neglect to factor in. A utilitarian perspective would suggest that even in the case that 30 horses may not get the immediate attention they require, by shutting down the whole operation, you would be preventing much more suffering over time.

I think placating the advocates of abolishing the practice altogether with this National Stable is short sighted at best and not even a viable solution at worst.

On The Surrey/National Stable Issue

Posted 26 October 2013, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

WinstonSmith says...

Ban the sale of a completely legal item because some people use it illegally? You'd have to ban cigarettes, pipes, and papers too. Why not ban lighters and matches while you're at it? You do realize there are plenty of ways to smoke/vaporize/ingest Marijuana/THC right? Even a child can figure out how to use a soda can or even a hollowed out apple to smoke out of. If they really wanted to solve the problem they would legalize the plant and end all the shady business, smuggling and crime associated with the import and distribution of a substance that factually causes waaaaayyyyyy less harm than the drug of choice in the Bahamas--- that would be Alcohol.

I'm sorry, but I fail to see how Marijuana has the potential for "destroying some young boy, some young girl" when nearly every other aspect of life in the Bahamas is much more efficient at holding people back and bringing them down.

In 5 years when Marijuana is legalized throughout the US and the failed war on drugs is finally ended, the Bahamas will be the last country in the area to take advantage of the mighty cannabis tourism/tax potential.


Posted 29 September 2013, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal