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Wisdom4 says...

Digital learning cannot be effective without proper resource for teachers' and students. Government need to invest more into our education system. If students should return back to school, Class size needs to be reduce, temper check before entering into the schools and observation room needs to set up in the schools. Give parents the opportunity to choose between digital learning or face to face learning. We need to hire more teachers assist with online learning even if means hiring Bahamians that lives overseas. Next, teachers needs to higher pay many of the resource they purchase comes from their own funding.

On Schools showdown: Teachers plan mass absence

Posted 14 September 2020, 6:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Wisdom4 says...

You have to be complete fool NOT to see disaster coming "Tourism" in the Bahamas. These ridiculous and absurd changes will truly hurt tourism.

Wisdom4 says...

There are many other islands besides the Bahamas with less tourist restrictions. Why would you want like to visit the Bahamas upon getting health visa; plus 14 days quarantine in hotel etc. This is not a wise business strategy. Who taught about this?

The Bahamas Tourist Industry will completely fail, and revenue would not be good on the working-class Bahamians. Hotel industry will also suffer great lost as well.

The message is in the bottle; Yes! We welcome Tourist to the islands, but with harsh restrictions. What type of vacation will that be?

Wearing a mask and following health guidelines is the only solution.

Why would you like to come to the Bahamas on a vacation with all these restrictions? Tourist will take their money go some where else.

Tourism is major part of Bahamas economy it brings in majority of revenue. Once again, people who work in the hotel industry, taxi service, airport, straw market and more needs tourist to enter the Bahamas.

Rethink! This bad solution. Failure waiting to happen.

Wisdom4 says...

The Bahamas is in the biggest economy failure. Tourism is going to slow down due the restrictions. Travelers have to obtain not only health visa, with negative covid-19 report but, also force to quarantine for 14 days. What is the purpose of obtaining a “health visa” if you are tourist visiting the Bahamas on vacation or more days.

Visiting the Bahamas just to be quarantine, complete nonsense.

These are outrageous and excessive restrictions on Tourism to the Bahamas.

Majority of these household working families either works in the straw market, hotels or tourist industry. People don’t have jobs?

Domestic violence will continue to increase because of failing system that was in place that is causing working people from obtaining income.

Due to these horrible, and dreadful lock downs measures in the Bahamas; People our going through mental health issues that will continue to increase domestic violence in the home.

Wisdom4 says...

Wearing a mask should be the only strategy while dealing with covid-19. lock downs! lock down! this is fear and controlling of people so they will continue to depend on failing government. Businesses will face closing and Bahamas economy will crash if these lock down continue. People are NOT working bad for the economy.

Why can ALL Businesses that include liquor store, restaurants, salon be open. People should have the right to offer curbside, limited number people in restaurant eat with a mask. Bahamians are being treated like toddlers; unable to follow simple directions and wear a mask and follow health guidelines.

Around the WORLD including the US, lock down was necessary because of hospital NOT having enough medical ventilation, staffing, beds and testing. People around the world is living, dealing with COVID-19 and people are going to work, they able eat in restaurant plus enter business, whereas wearing a mask is mandatory and having temperature checks.

This COVID-19 is NOT going away anytime soon. We need to have a long term plan without lock-down restrictions that will NOT stop people from living. If this continues lock down continues it will hurt people mental health.

IS controlling "we the people" bahamas New norm?

Wisdom4 says...

You're Not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. "Malcolm X" The reality PEOPLE will have to live with COVID-19 until a vaccine becomes available to the public.
To reduce the spread people need practice "self care". There is no easy solutions to the problem. We have hurricane storm on the way. People need to be ready. Things are going to get worst, if we do not get a rip.

On PM reverses new lockdown measures

Posted 18 August 2020, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Wisdom4 says...

People mental state, inhumane and lack of empathy should be question.

Wisdom4 says...

I agree by not giving people several days notice. It demonstrates lack of empathy for the Bahamian people.

Wisdom4 says...

Let's think about this: Why is the "food program is costing the government $1 million a week?" The cost is high because government refuse to reopen the Bahamas economy that will put people back to work.

How are people suppose to pay for their mortgage, rent, light, water and other essential needs? We are talking about oppressing people by allowing them to register for the national food distribution program. That maybe okay for awhile. Once again, poor solution.

However, it is not FIX solution to continue unnecessary lock downs. It is costing hard working families, children, elderly, people and business.

COVID-19 is virus that cannot be control through lock downs.

We have to FOCUS on getting people ready! true reality living with COVID-19 by doing this it will requires self care.

Until vaccine becomes available. Reality, scientist around the world are working on potential treatments and vaccines. There are clinical trial testing around the world. Nobody! knows how long it will take for vaccine to ready.

Until then, people need to practice self-care. The Bahamas needs to reopen with health guidelines and many people desperately needs to get back to some type of normal.

This is hurricane season along with COVID-19. People have to live.

Wisdom4 says...

Wrong Is Wrong.