Dilly Tree, are you serious? Those are the reasons why the minimum wage needs to increased! Imagine how heavy the burden of VAT feels to the minimum wage earner! We must take the leap and increase the minimum wage now; it will never be the right time otherwise. Furthermore, it cannot be right that we maintain the status quo so as to allow businesses to succeed while their employees can barely make ends meet. Think about living expenses whether it be rent / mortgage payments or a contribution to the family home, utilities, groceries, transportation costs, uniform / clothing costs...imagine trying to satisfy all of those obligations on minimum wage. They're basic needs. Lord help the minimum wage earner with a child or children whose costs are exaggerated. The logic that minimum wage cannot be increased now as businesses will pack up and leave because it's too expensive to do business here cannot be supported. Reason being that no country should use the cheap labour of its people to induce investors or entrepreneurs...
You use the word politician, the report refers to him as a parliamentarian. What is your point? Are u saying that because he was not a "politician" no one should take time to remember his contribution? What is a politician anyhow? A person who sits in the HOA warming a seat for, according to you, more thanone term? Or someone who was elected as an independent canditate evidencing HIS strength and ability to his constituents rather than someone elected on the strength of the PARTY they run for?
@sheeprunner12, how many years have you given to your country? What did he do while he was not in the HOA is perhaps the better question. Mr. Dupuch has made valuable contributions to this country and ought to be commended, not posthumously disrespected! May his soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed RIP!
WiseUp says...
Dilly Tree, are you serious? Those are the reasons why the minimum wage needs to increased! Imagine how heavy the burden of VAT feels to the minimum wage earner! We must take the leap and increase the minimum wage now; it will never be the right time otherwise. Furthermore, it cannot be right that we maintain the status quo so as to allow businesses to succeed while their employees can barely make ends meet. Think about living expenses whether it be rent / mortgage payments or a contribution to the family home, utilities, groceries, transportation costs, uniform / clothing costs...imagine trying to satisfy all of those obligations on minimum wage. They're basic needs. Lord help the minimum wage earner with a child or children whose costs are exaggerated. The logic that minimum wage cannot be increased now as businesses will pack up and leave because it's too expensive to do business here cannot be supported. Reason being that no country should use the cheap labour of its people to induce investors or entrepreneurs...
On Minimum wage rise recommended
Posted 8 June 2015, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal
WiseUp says...
You use the word politician, the report refers to him as a parliamentarian. What is your point? Are u saying that because he was not a "politician" no one should take time to remember his contribution? What is a politician anyhow? A person who sits in the HOA warming a seat for, according to you, more thanone term? Or someone who was elected as an independent canditate evidencing HIS strength and ability to his constituents rather than someone elected on the strength of the PARTY they run for?
On Former Parliamentarian Bernard Dupuch dies age 81
Posted 21 June 2014, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal
WiseUp says...
@sheeprunner12, how many years have you given to your country? What did he do while he was not in the HOA is perhaps the better question. Mr. Dupuch has made valuable contributions to this country and ought to be commended, not posthumously disrespected! May his soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed RIP!
On Former Parliamentarian Bernard Dupuch dies age 81
Posted 17 June 2014, 11:32 a.m. Suggest removal