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Wowish says...

What has what you said got to do with the questions being put forth in the referendum? Absolutely nothing. Also in the same way that being a Dame does not make one's logic correct, neither being prominent or respected or a QC makes a person correct. To say otherwise means that your philosophy on things is that if someone is respected or prominent means that they are automatically correct. Learn to think for yourself! Learn to take into consideration, things that are actually relevant to the question that you are being asked. Whether or not the AG is the Wicked Witch of the West and her beliefs/actions has nothing to do with whether a person born as a male or female should have equal rights, nor to do with whether a foreign man can acquire citizenship by marrying a Bahamian woman, and certainly has nothing to do with whether a child born to an unmarried Bahamian man should be immediately entitled to citizenship. By the way kinky s*x is not implied in the last bill. Of course there are other reasons why the entire referendum may be a waste of time, many of which I could name.

On Pastors' fears are dismissed

Posted 29 April 2016, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Wowish says...

Apparently, Reality Check and Well_mudda_take_sic rather raise red-herrings than take the time to seriously consider what the fourth bill really means.

On Pastors' fears are dismissed

Posted 29 April 2016, 12:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Wowish says...

One must question the seasoned jurist's logic in this regard. If the Dame had said that she had read the questions and bills and disagreed that would have been one thing that no one could fault her for. On the other hand declaring that the bills are a waste of time without even taking a few minutes to read them is the height of foolishness. If a student in reply to a question on a test wrote in response to a certain question that "I didn't read the question but it is a waste of time" and received points for that question and The Bahamian public found out about it, they would question the sense of the student and the teacher and would without a doubt say this is why we have a "D" average nationally. Yet, in present circumstances much of The Bahamian public seems to be in approval of similar behavior, because it suits their purposes. If that is the level of thinking in this country, well The Bahamas won't have much of a future.

Wowish says...

Her being stateless is not the point though. No one is claiming that she is stateless. The point is that she is born to a Bahamian man, yet is disabled from getting citizenship until the age of 18 and thus she is unable to receive the same opportunities as her peers.