Comment history

YesiJed says...

Can The Tribune PLEASE try to get some clarification from whoever manages the traffic lights as to whether they intend to fix this light BEFORE someone is seriously injured ?

On Gone to pot

Posted 14 December 2015, 2:05 p.m. Suggest removal

YesiJed says...

I agree with you 100% ! However after seeing the way the majority of our people vote when it comes right down to it, these jokers in government know they only need to hand out some t-shirts, throw a party, and grease a few palms and they will be right back in office.

YesiJed says...

The jet ski operators run wild and do as they please. This is not the first time that a female has gone with one of these operators and been taken to a remote island and been told " Put up or get left".

On Jet ski operator arrested over sex attack

Posted 9 December 2015, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

YesiJed says...

“The Bahamas stands ready to work with our Caricom allies and the international community to combat this problem,”
--- so let me see if I have this right... the Bahamas, is going to help someone else battle crime ? This is a joke, right ???

YesiJed says...

The "simple story' of which you speak is actually a relevant metaphor for the ridiculousness of the inept leadership that PGC provides.

YesiJed says...

So birdie, are you suggesting that we stick with the PLP and continue on this downward spiral ???

On Symonette open to FNM/DNA link

Posted 10 September 2015, 8:35 a.m. Suggest removal

YesiJed says...

All of the Opposition parties need to lose their egos and join forces to defeat the PLP - that is the most sensible solution !

On Symonette open to FNM/DNA link

Posted 9 September 2015, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

YesiJed says...

Your VAT dollars being put to good use...spending 5 times what the job is worth .

On 'One-room school’ with $500,000 repair bill

Posted 7 September 2015, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

YesiJed says...

coincidental that the same day that the Tribune posts that the Union is in disagreement with their contract that the power goes off .... It was a strike alright, just not a lightning strike.

On Island-wide blackout caused by lightning

Posted 4 September 2015, 3:50 p.m. Suggest removal