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Zen says...

Reckless promise that might flounder?

On A reckless promise that might founder

Posted 18 May 2012, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

Zen says...

It would apear that the plan all parties have for the Bahamas is for things to remain the same. Until we get together and decide on how we want our country to look 100 years from now there can never be a difference between any party.

Zen says...

The world isn't black and white. Just because someone doesn't do what we want doesn't make them evil or corrupt.

It may suprise you but many of the views displayed here concerning the PLP are exactly what the PLP supporters say about the FNM. For example "Bookrearead" says that PLP are "vindictive" however many PLP's will site how the Former Prime Minister said he would fire Steve McKinney in his victory speech. Now, that could be viewed as vindictive but many FNM's I know say it was justified.

On Christie not up to the job

Posted 15 May 2012, 8:13 a.m. Suggest removal