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Zizou says...

In agreement with the previous comment.
In the pantheon of ludicrous, abject or vain sanctions and decisions recently taken by the BFA, it must rank up as number one. The BFA invites ridicule upon indignity with this sanction against predominantly young Bahamian players.
Please have a look at the BFA Constitution and you will see the serious limitations to any democratic process necessary within an organization of this nature. If you add layers of poor governance, absence of vision (look at the money allocated in the past 5 years), nepotism, despotism, cynicism and distrust, you ended up with a totalitarian regime separating and excluding its people. BFA is becoming the North Korea of Football/Soccer with no progressive results at the end: last nation on earth in Soccer (209th according to FIFA ranking), no strong path for young athletes in term of scholarship, no representation at semi-pro or professional level, poor representation in top universities and colleges (one player is currently playing Division 1), and no grass roots program despite the funds allocated by external organizations.
Soccer deserves better, Bahamians deserve better, Young Soccer Players deserve better.