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a2z says...

Somebody needs a dictionary. Somebody also needs to learn what a VERB is and how it is used and what a NOUN is and how it is used.
You are the reason people like Wayne Munroe take the position they take on womens issues. You find fault wit every damn thing for no reason but to push your own agenda.I read that article too like Zakary and wasn't too sure if slang was appropriate. But if the tribune published it that must mean they were giving the writer a voice to express as they have given you one. Of all the things you could talk about that article or the writer, this is what you come up with? Sounds personal honey.

On Don’t trivialise the issue of rape

Posted 10 September 2015, 10:39 p.m. Suggest removal

a2z says...

Nail on the head sir! Nail on the head! But I have to add that these fellas all cut from the same cloth. The next election will be the people choosing the worst of three or more evils. Mark my words.

a2z says...

Gibson, I agree with you. I don't know why these people getting so bent outta shape. Face facts people. The truth is painful, but you gatta face it anyway! Instead of being so offended you should take the underlying message and do something with it. Have you all looked around yourselves? This Nassau is a garbage dump.

a2z says...

Lovin your articles Naughty! Keep it up bro!

a2z says...

Wow newcitizen! Why so bitter? It's interesting how people take time out to be hateful. I am guessing as a " newcitizen" you have no ability whatsoever to identify with a real Bahamian. If you had the ability to read between the lines you would see this is really about the way Bahamians are treated in their own country, as are most of this lady's articles.

a2z says...

Mr. Gibson, you might as well shout to the wind blowing over the oceans. This is how it is and this is how it will always be until something catastrophic happens. The people who govern us are quite happy to maintain the status quo. Dumbo speaks truth, but aint no one listening man. Not a damn soul.

a2z says...

All the build up was for nothing. Posturing. That's what these men do. And the people remain ignorant and suck it all up as gospel. He even get his daddy to pave the way for y'all good Christian people to listen to him. Silly, silly people.

a2z says...

On the floor... LOL
They all went to work on the next 'project'.

a2z says...

I almost thought birdiestrachan was being sarcastic. He/she is off the rocker. These ars backwards decisions are trademark of the PLP and becoming trademark of the Bahamas.

a2z says...

Mr.Watson should really stop talking now. He really should. Cuz when the caca hits the fan....

On Watson: My words were a call for FNM to unite

Posted 2 September 2015, 10:49 p.m. Suggest removal