Comment history

a2z says...

more people should be reading this. heard him today on the radio saying the series would be ending. real shame . bahamians are so ignorant and unaware of the things that matter most.

a2z says...

banker, that is a mouthful.

you give good info for people who don't already know this stuff, but it still doesn't answer the subtle question in this article? with this lady, i think you need to read between the lines.

i think the question here may be where is the government getting the money to spend millions every week, if they have none to spend???

no real increase in hotel or tourism activity for increase in foreign reserves to back the value of our bahamian money or to increase the money supply.

so then, they must be borrowing it and where are they borrowing it from? the bahamian people should know, since it's them who have to pay it back, aye? and if the government ain't borrowing it, then they must be printing it, regardless of what the central bank procedure may be. how else would they get more bahamian money?

what you say?

a2z says...

I know I have a hard time gettin into the independence groove. This country is a depressing place with nothing go for it and nothin to look forward to.

On A happy Independence?

Posted 7 July 2015, 10:04 p.m. Suggest removal

a2z says...

Oh wow! This right here.... TRUTH!
Will share this far and wide!

On A happy Independence?

Posted 7 July 2015, 10:03 p.m. Suggest removal

a2z says...

That's a lotta words bruh!
To be truthful, the public has lost faith in Izmirlian AND Christie. AND the official opposition.
So, what next?

Are Bahamians gonna just sit by and watch their country disintegrate like watching climate change and global warming in a time lapse video?

Unless you can change the people who don't read this, it makes no difference what you write. That doesn't mean you should stop writing, but I want you to know that the people who need to hear what you saying ain' the people reading what you writing.

Sad but true.

On YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: The Baha Mar bombshell

Posted 7 July 2015, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal

a2z says...

CUBA is the future. the bahamas is the past. Cycle of life.

Christie will never get it - he's still trying to sign HoAs with FDIs of large-scale hotels and 2nd homes.

I swear, if these people get back in government in 2017, I'm seeking political asylum in a country that has a clue.

a2z says...

Oh my, Ms. Burrows. Sounds like duppyvat is shouting at you! Lol

If only he knew that his use of caps makes him look more stupid than correct.

Back from the dead to convince you to believe in the afterlife and totally missing the point of the article.

But isn't it usually the ones who can see themselves in it who have a problem with it?

what a jackass. (See, we can do it, too)

a2z says...

The speaker did NOT act out of integrity. The speaker was trying to save face. He knew after suspending the FNMs, because they wouldn't let Gray speak, there was no way he could not allow Rollins to speak against the PLP government without it looking like 'what's good for goose ain't good for the gander'.

Integrity my a$$.

a2z says...

Abolish all unions. Every last one. They are wrenches to growth and progress and exist only to facilitate the incompetent in their efforts to hold onto income they do little or nothing to deserve.

Teach the ignorant people how to negotiate private employment contracts. The government can't babysit them forever, not without killing the rest of the economy.

a2z says...

If you lied: you're deliberately deceitful.
If you told the truth: you're grossly incompetent.

Mr. PM, I don't think you get a win anywhere in this.