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abacobandit says...

I have actually visited most of the countries you reference, while you without doubt have not.
It is not lack of loyalty, or turning against the country to tell the truth, it is however cowardly to deny the truth, and continue to ignore the problem. You are part of the problem when you refuse to admit the truth, and effect change.
Corruption in Government is rampant in many places, but in the Bahamas it permeates everything - top to bottom.
Show me one single segment of Bahamian life not affected by corruption?

On Sir Franklyn to the US: ‘Cure yourself’

Posted 20 April 2016, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

abacobandit says...


Not a lie at all:
The Bahamas is the only place I have - with my own eyes watched candidates for MP pay voters cash for a vote.
The Bahamas is the only place I have seen Police turn loose a criminal for cash.
The Bahamas is the only place I have seen a poor man become MP, and be a multi-millionaire 5 years later on an MP's pay?
You are a coward, and a liar to try to deny the truth, and defend the indefensible.

On Sir Franklyn to the US: ‘Cure yourself’

Posted 20 April 2016, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

abacobandit says...

"Incompetence? --- perhaps, but corruption? --- never! Patriotic Bahamians can hardly wait for Fractious Fred to diplomatically confront the US over yet another slanderous attack on our sovereignty."

I can not believe a supposed educated man would post something so ridiculous. There is not a single segment of Bahamian life not ruled by the corrupt.

Refusing to admit the problem only serves to maintain the status quo. The Bahamas are probably among the very most corrupt countries in the world, and honest Bahamians know it!

On Corruption? Surely not here!

Posted 20 April 2016, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

abacobandit says...

This is so ridiculous it is embarrassing - What a hypocrite he is to think Bahamians can tell anyone about healing themselves from corruption.
I have traveled this whole world, and The Bahamas is the most corrupt country without doubt.

Everyone from Customs officers to MPs to the Police has their hand out, you see the rampant corruption on nearly every corner, and every walk of life.

Bahamas heal thyself first!

abacobandit says...

You know they hate it when folks make sense now.

On Keith Bell: Crime plan has not failed

Posted 19 April 2016, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal