Comment history

abacogrouper says...

"Needs to go back to political school"? God forbid that there is such a school!

abacogrouper says...

Fantastic! Sometime the innocent suffer the guilty for the better good. For every action there is a reaction - positive action, positive reaction; negative action, negative reaction. Some lessons are painful to learn.

abacogrouper says...

Right now, The Bahamas is not serious about crime. When we really hit that 'proverbial' wall; we will then pass and enforce laws that will put a serious dent into this foolishness.


Posted 6 August 2013, 6:30 p.m. Suggest removal

abacogrouper says...

Until we truly believe and stand up for what we really believe as a Christian Nation (fearing God and not man), this country is in for some REAL turbulent times.

abacogrouper says...

Here we go again.

On Man dead after shooting

Posted 4 August 2013, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal