Comment history

admin says...

Quite a FEW of the Caribbean Islands
it's called monitoring whose arriving and departing

maybe it's the reason why you have so many smuggling activities happening in the Bahamas

admin says...

don't you get permission to leave Nassau by going through USCBP

?? comment .. its the only way to confirm your legitimate and you ain't smuggling etc...

admin says...

Plus maritime operators can use a system called .. SailClear which is used by Bahamas Customs

The system is free and allows the operator or captain of the vessel to submit information about the vessel and persons on board [crew and passengers] to Customs

This speeds up the process and again it's FREE

admin says...

I can't believe all the fuss.
Its also about securing the Borders.
You have no issue when you leave Nassau to go through US Customs
You have no issue when you leave the United States.. you don't report or go through US Customs but the airlines collect your leaving details which is shared with Law Enforcement

Get over it...The USA implements new rules and regulations, which you obey

Bahamas has a big problem with drug and human smuggling
If your legitimate you should be complaining

Get over it or stay at home