Comment history

affortableautos says...

Wasn't Sumner a part of the delegation that has yet to provide a report from January to the Bahamian motorist. Japanese are loyal business people and it may very well be nothing was found on this trip, also who on this trip has any knowledge in radioactive materials. Is it Fred Albury the auto salesman representing the MDA or was it Mr. Sumner

On ‘Dumping ground’ fear on used autos

Posted 19 August 2018, 7:54 p.m. Suggest removal

affortableautos says...

All this talk is just a smoke screen, how is it a group of people went to Japan and has yet to provide the Bahamian motorist a report of their findings. Local dealerships are only interested in finding ways to put the use car dealers out of business. How is it if the concern is about safety not one local auto repairer was invited on the trip to Japan.

On ‘Dumping ground’ fear on used autos

Posted 19 August 2018, 7:28 p.m. Suggest removal