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alexispeack says...

Yeah. It's weird - we as an industry change three letter acronyms more often than pants, and then somehow have the gall to expect that others who work in different fields will just know about it. I'll tell you - I listen to music, but that doesn't mean I understand how to mix down audio in a studio. And that's why audio engineers have a job[.][1]

There is a lot of frustration in working on the web if you don't like to teach and learn. I would even offer that if you don't like to teach and learn, you might want to pick another area of focus. Otherwise, we'll have to have this conversation all over again when HTML6 is released.


alexispeack says...

I also felt that they were going this way[.][1] Have the movies branch off each other rather than the movies come together like Marvel[.][2] It's a good way to play catch up without straight up copying.

Also in MoS Superman and the other kryptonians were knocked back by the jet's guns. Making superman a lot less indestructible is way better since that makes stories less reliant on kryptonite. I like him as the jack of all trades master of none role


On OPINION: The cowboy diplomat

Posted 18 March 2014, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

I would like to visit Iceland[,][1] but I'm concerned about the potential undercurrent of casual racism there, based on a conversation I had with an Icelandic woman in London a couple of years ago[.][2]

It started as a conversation about the dna census database they have, and ended with a speil about racial purity, and retaining it at all costs.

Do you still live in Iceland, and is this sort of thing common?


alexispeack says...

You say that people would be able to experiment with free-market legal systems[,][1] but if you're still bound by the laws of the flag states[,][2] are you aiming at more of an agorist approach, experimenting with services such as and contract privately, either online or person to person on board?

Is the cruise ship is going to be focused on entrepreneurs (like the approach Blueseed is taking), and will thus be supplying appropriate infrastructure? I'm having trouble distinguishing this idea from what seems to be basically a long Liberty Cruise. I'm very interested in the idea, but I'm having trouble identifying what the unique selling point is. Subbed to your subreddit btw :)


alexispeack says...

You need the equation of time to calculate sunrise/sunset[,][1] but it's not sufficient. The EoT is computed based on your longitude only[,][2] I think. Sunrise/sunset requires both longitude and latitude.

Edit: The EoT is the same for everyone on Earth, so no longitude. However, if you want to tell the difference between your local noon and clock noon then you need to know your position in your time zone.


alexispeack says...

While I think that there is some argument that this is true[,][1] I'm generally NOT worried about such a thing happening[.][2] Remember, that any such taxation would be up for public scrutiny. It's a very, very hard thing to get any tax increase passed these days, much less ones that are so firmly aimed at helping special interests. Furthermore, after reading the brief, I can honestly say that I am sure the court would find such taxes punitive and most probably outside of Congress' taxing powers.


alexispeack says...

The Gospel of Mark is generally ascribed to the period between 65 and 75 CE. Exegetes base this conclusion primarily on the prophecy of Jesus in Mark 13 that appears to refer to events of First Jewish Revolt in 66-70[,][1] in which Roman troops leveled the Temple in Jerusalem. For the vast majority of interpreters these passage indicates that the writer is aware that the Temple in Jerusalem either has been destroyed[,][2] or is about to be destroyed. Additional support for this may be derived from the focus on plundered and destroyed Temples in the Old Testament texts the writer incorporated into the Gospel.


alexispeack says...

I'm a MAN and I've been both "molested" (quotation marks due to the fact that[,][1] even though I was between the ages of 6 and 11, I kinda liked it and it didn't bother me) and raped (no quotation marks because I was actually drugged and raped in Barcelona when I was 19)[.][2] I think it is unsettlingly common and I've heard many a friend recount incidences of this sort. It took me a solid 4 years to recover from the Barcelona incident. I spent 3 of those years convinced I had HIV and couldn't have sex with anyone throughout that time. That said, I now love sex and I'm completely over the whole stupid thing. For those of you (female or otherwise) who have had this experience - hang in there. You DO get over it. Really. ;)


On ‘Woman raped in blackout’

Posted 18 March 2014, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

alexispeack says...

This is like saying Hitler was OK because he would never want to harm any actual German citizens[.][1]

They don't see the commoners of America any differently than they see the average peasant in China, you're talking about people who are responsible for millions of deaths(1.6million in Iraq, so far, in a war based on admitted lies.) The only reason they aren't raining bombs down on your head right now is because you are being used to service a different part of the overall agenda[.][2]

Ask the children in Vietnam(another war based on admitted lies,) or the children of Baghdad if the people in power give a shit about whether their actions are evil and insane.


alexispeack says...

Not deliberately trash[,][1] they are shipped in cargo trailers that are towed behind the bus and under the bus[.][2] Depending on the bus/trailer the seals aren't too great. That Rubbermaid got dirty from the dust and dirt on the road from a four day trip, nothing unusual about it at all.

That being said stuff gets damaged or lost not matter how you ship, always get the insurance, always. I saw a note in a Canada post office once stating their truck shipping their mail had been in an accident and caught fire and that part of the shipment had caught fire.

Also smelling like campfire does not equal set on fire, just saying.


On Man with ankle monitor found in Canada

Posted 18 March 2014, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal