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alleycat says...

A few comments:
1. It makes no sense to demolish somebody’s house, legal or not, without providing them with somewhere to go, whether it’s here or Haiti.
2. Nobody is going to buy a ticket back to Haiti when they can get deported there for free.
3. Sheeprunner, only Bahamian citizens can vote.
4. The reason that there are shanty towns on NP and Abaco, and not the other islands, is because people on these two islands give them jobs. You won’t find a shanty town on Long Island, because those people do their own cleaning and yard work.
5. I don’t know what the answer is, but knocking down houses isn’t it.

alleycat says...

When did Atlanta become a state? Did I miss something?

alleycat says...

“...officers based in iguana...”??? Yeah, that’ll work.

alleycat says...

I have lived in Abaco since 1992, never had a power bill, never lost power (including during and after Floyd and Dorian). Go solar, you won’t have to worry about what BPL is up to.

alleycat says...

“Payment of this remaining balance is to be funded from new capital to the business, which is in the process of being sourced by the company.”

Sounds like a Ponzi scheme to me. And apparently not a very successful one, as they are on the verge of bankruptcy. At least we won’t be left with a big environmental mess to clean up when they go under. Our government should not be allowing these people anywhere near our pristine waters.

On Oil explorer plans no Bahamas work in ‘22

Posted 28 January 2022, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

alleycat says...

The criminal part of this tale is that the Utopia did not stop to rescue the crew of the tanker. Whoever was captain on the Utopia should lose his or her license and go straight to jail.

alleycat says...

Chance of getting blood clots from:
1. AstraZeneca vaccine. 0.00004%
2. Birth control pills. 0.05%
3. Smoking. 0.18%
4. Covid. 16.5%
I’ll take the vaccine, thanks.

On Vaccine supplies facing problem

Posted 15 April 2021, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

alleycat says...

I flew from Nassau to US in 2017. They had photo machines there then, and wouldn’t let me go until it took my photo. It took about ten minutes and help from staff to make it work. This is not something new. (The fingerprint machine didn’t work either.)

Also, it will mean taking your mask off. So then you’ll be breathing the germs of the last ten people to have their photo taken.

alleycat says...

A few actual FACTS for a change:
1. The vaccine is coming from Covax. They are trying to supply all countries equably, so the limit they will give any country is enough to vaccinate 20% of the population. We are lucky to get it.
2. It’s not that the AZ vaccine isn’t safe for over 65s, it just hasn’t been tested on that age group yet. Tests are ongoing.
3. It is at least 70% effective. That’s a whole lot better than nothing at all.
4. It is much cheaper than Pfizer or Moderna. Remember, other richer countries are paying for the Covax programme, not us. Don’t knock it.
5. Personally, I owe my life to another AZ drug, as do many others.
6. Why does everyone on here always try to find something to complain about?

alleycat says...

Why does anyone think oil will improve the economy? The fat cats in Nassau will just get fatter, everyone else will get poorer because the fish, conch and tourists will be gone. Look at Angola. They export 2 million barrels of oil a day. They have diamonds, gold, and iron mines as well. But 85% of the people live on subsistence farming. It is one of the poorest countries in the world. If you have a corrupt government, oil does not make you rich.

On Oil exploration 'not in country's interest'

Posted 12 January 2021, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal