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alleycat says...

Yes, I think they have a lot of chocolate wells there.

So what other cities will they fly from? Vanmover and Windyleg?

alleycat says...

It really seems like Government just sits around dreaming up more ways to scare the tourists away. Maybe because tourists can’t vote? Visiting boaters vote by pulling up their anchors and sailing off to another, more welcoming country.

On Cruising permit rise 'push back' awaited

Posted 31 May 2019, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal

alleycat says...

Why is South Abaco’s economy struggling? We already have all those jobs promised by Disney, Schooner Bay, Winding Bay, and Serenity Point. But somehow those jobs never materialize, do they? And Mr. Ben-Zur has already said that 80% of the jobs at this development will go to foreigners, leaving 20% for Bahamians, but only if they are “qualified”. Meanwhile, the bonefish industry will be dead. What kind of economic plan is that?

alleycat says...

Our grandparents somehow managed to take their own shopping bags to the store with them, BP (Before Plastic) so I’m sure we can figure it out. The stores need to have Green Bags for sale at the checkout. And charge the customer for using the store’s plastic bags. Of course, if we actually had a recycling programme, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.

On Plastics ban - be prepared

Posted 30 April 2019, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

alleycat says...

A couple of things Sam didn’t mention - the proposed marina site is the only known bonefish spawning site on Abaco, and bonefish come there from N. side of Grand Bahama too. So one of the species that will suffer dire consequences is the multi-million dollar bonefishing industry. No spawning ground, no bonefish.

Also, Ben Zur has admitted in private that 80% of those 600 full time jobs will be given to foreigners, and only 20% to Bahamians - and only if they are qualified.

Hey Ben Zur - go buy Treasure Cay. It has a golf course. It has a marina. It’s for sale. Don’t be messing up yet another beautiful part of our island.

alleycat says...

The whole world has already been “invaded and occupied by China” - economically. Look at the food you eat, the fork you eat it with, the plate you eat it off, the chair you sit on to eat it, the fridge you keep it in... and tell me they aren’t all Made in China. If we have to take sides, we will be a lot better off with China than with that idiot in Washington.

alleycat says...

Meanwhile, Government is trying to sell South Abaco to a develooer who has already bulldozed ruins, destroyed parrot nesting sites, and is the focus of an SEC fraud case. (See Dec. 15th Abaconian if you don’t believe me). Where’s the KYC there? Or do these rules not apply to Government, just to the realtors?

alleycat says...

Way to go, Fred! You the man! Let’s hope this will make other foreign developers think twice before they lie, cheat and steal in this country!

On Nygard pays out $2.6m to go home

Posted 15 November 2018, 11:22 a.m. Suggest removal

alleycat says...

Ironic that they are penalizing Little Harbour property owners, who have no mains power, no water, no garbage pickup, no mail delivery, no phone lines, and had to put their own road in and have had to maintain it at their own expense for the past 30 years. Meanwhile, 2 miles down the road at Winding Bay, where there really are million dollar homes, nobody pays any tax on anything.

On 'Crazy' property tax 'tears Abaco apart'

Posted 19 January 2018, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

alleycat says...

So jackbenimble, which bank did you move to, so the rest of us can follow??

And why is RBC claiming these clients don’t have “close economic ties like real estate or small business?” Don’t all second home owners have real estate, by definition? I have one neighbour whose account got closed twice, she has had real estate here for 40 years.

My account didn’t get closed yet, but I haven’t had a bank statement since April. When I asked they said they had gone paperless. So - I have to guess how much is in the account now?

This is ridiculous!