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aloethree says...

Buddy the stewardess on Bahamas air speak professional and that is the original proper Bahamian English this is not America so we dont need to speak like Americans.

On Miller: Don’t turn prison into a hotel

Posted 18 October 2013, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal

aloethree says...

Nobody Knows what really happen and its possible that we may never know, Only God and the alleged victims and perpetrators, what we can do now is move on and implement measures to prevent any further allegations of mistreatment, rape or brutalities such as closer monitoring of the facilities and our borders.

These allegations can never be proven and they are just that allegations there is no facts to these protesters allegations. There are no videos and there are no official admittance of any wrongdoing.

Until conditions improve in countries like Haiti, Cuba etc, we will always see an influx of nationals from these countries seeking to migrate to find a better opportunity and quality of life, when they are in our custody we must always remember to continue to treat each migrant humanely and to justify their migration/asylum on a case by case basis.

aloethree says...

who is really in control?? every public service department is inefficient, leaders are making bad decisions, believe it that most of these decision makers have dual citizenship or enough money in the Bank that if/when they frig up the country with bad choices they just hop on a flight to US,Canada or some other foreign place. Leaving the country in a ruckus. Cant we progress and prosper as Bahamians?

On Pinder identifies best tax compliance model

Posted 13 August 2013, 10:15 p.m. Suggest removal

aloethree says...

I agree tal, why are the leaders and the media trashing the country? Yea there is crime here and it can happen anywhere in the world, but the issues we have here are petty and can be stopped in days.

On ‘We eat our own in this country’

Posted 27 June 2013, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

aloethree says...

The detention center is not a prison facility and we do our best to house these illegal immigrants that plague our country. These people are trying to stir controversy.

Im not saying its not authentic because cell phones are prohibited, it is simply not authentic the video is fabricated.

Is this a propaganda stunt by this group who are trying to tarnish the image of the Bahamas so that their community would not travel here and invest? Do they want to end the embargo and compete with the Bahamas?

Cuban Americans have infiltrated South Florida and the senate and the house of Reps.

Sadly Cuba is far behind in technology, finances etc. the world won't wait on them and the investment from That Cuban Americans will have to be astronomical to change the culture and people of Cuba who believe in Castro's philosophy.

On US representatives to probe abuse claim

Posted 20 June 2013, 8:58 p.m. Suggest removal

aloethree says...

Prime Minister in not the head of state the Governor General has a great pink residence on top of the Hill, nothing personal against the prime minister I just dont think we should put him inn a house.

On ‘Why has rent budget gone up by $10m?’

Posted 18 June 2013, 11:02 p.m. Suggest removal

aloethree says...

First thing i saw in the article which does not make no sense **workers in poor conditions**, give other Bahamian contractors in a fair non cronie bid the opportunity to complete the Jobs on the buildings 10 million that 10 million can go a long way in the economy instead of paying annual rent, to make the owners rich,

The money can help people open other business's in those vacant spaces the government should not be paying rent.

How is that real estate owner going to help the economy he may not manage it well, the real estate market is saturated in Nassau with so much new construction ask the people at Balmoral they have not seen sales as expected. ensure that the money stays in the economy by doing renovations to the buildings and investing in real Bahamians like you said.

On ‘Why has rent budget gone up by $10m?’

Posted 18 June 2013, 10:58 p.m. Suggest removal

aloethree says...

We need to have an independent non government authority that oversees foreign companies that claim to have intentions to create jobs for Bahamians and their innovative ideas,

If these persons purchase their citizenship they are not real Bahamians and the true Bahamians do not benefit.

Who issuing these contracts? I see alot of goverment contracts that are being given to foreign companies setting up shop in the Bahamas couldn't a Bahamian company have gotten the entire contract, while the parties may be knowledgeable of the industry and established, this could have been funded by the Bahamian development Bank or Bahamian investors.

We dont need anymore FDI( Foreign Direct Investments

aloethree says...

I say expedite the immigration process have a special immigration court to hear cases, increase security on all our boarders, enforce laws on all shanty towns and illegals living on every island patrol southern boarders. The courts will make the immigrants pay fees/fines their Rich Haitian/Jamaican, Cuban relatives in Miami and the USA and Canada can pay it

This is clearly not an authentic video, the accent is not Bahamian unless the defense force has hired a foreign born national/ or has naturalized immigrant of Panamanian decent on the force citizens who is over 35.

While conditions at the Detention center may not be 100% it is sufficient for our budget which taxpayers pay to house these immigrants that plague the Bahamas.

Relocate the Detention center, make it secure and increase maximum capacity to meet Geneva convention requirements. In the courts give a fair trial, incarcerate repeat offenders.

limit and/or require travel visas from nationals/residents of high immigrant countries create a designated list.

aloethree says...

A call for help? We don'`t need foreign officers to come and patrol the streets of Nassau, neither do our officers need to go to foreign countries, Regional and International police officers meet annually to discuss issues, what they can do is look at and improve the training that are officers receive may it is outdated.

Exchange officers can not and will not make a difference, it will only be problematic for the Bahamian people as foreign officers can bring a bias attitudes and profiling that will cause the Bahamian people to not be accepting of officers.They do not know our culture and if they do it is a form of espionage as they are not Bahamians.

The police office are subject to scrutiny as well if they expose their tactics entirely to foreign officers This will cause division.

My advice train the officers better, take a look at how you train the officers, revamp training.