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amaconda says...

I fully agree with the points made by *DillyTree*. No one objects to the idea of fishing license fees. Especially if the money is to be used for conservation purposes. Until now there is though no indication of a plan for how it will be done and sceptics are afraid that the funds will end up in private accounts.

The article does not mention the requirement of having a certified guide onboard on Bahamian registered vessels carrying more than one fisherman. This means that a foreign citizen/second home owner, who has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in the islands now will need to have a BFIA certified guide onboard if she/he wants to fish together with a visiting family member or friend. There are quite a few adjectives describing how absurd this requirement is.

There is an issue of availability of the licenses which should be available online and at the airports ASAP. I believe that most of the tourists come to the Bahamas by plane and making them run around and spend their precious holiday time in governmental compounds is just insane.

When it comes to guides - the regulations make the Bahamas Fly Fishing Industry Association the one and only legitimate organization for guides. All the training, licensing etc. must from now go through them. BFIA is **NOT** a governmental body, so all of this money and power derived from this position is now in hands of one person. This may definitely have a severe impact on competition on the market, prices, availability and quality of services.