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amble says...

Whoa if you listen to some of Dr. Munroes teachings you and Fred would not sound so dumb! Jealousy, Envy. The black crab syndrome is really bad. Yes he has a lot of influence over many bahamians and the world. hundreds of governments fly him in because they do not have the answer and he does. it is his god given gift fool! Go improve your education level

amble says...

i agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 1000%!

amble says...

You guttersnipe why dont you go and improve your education level! You and Fred need to be corrected. Your ignorance is so sad! We voted the government in we are their bosses fool. Fred Mitchell is not supposed to make decisions or make statements on behalf of the Bahamians if we were not notified. Therefore we are suppose to be apart of the country affairs. This is why people like Leslie Miller laugh at people like you to scorn. You are ignorant!

On Mitchell to Munroe: Don’t mess with me

Posted 12 March 2014, 5:06 p.m. Suggest removal

amble says...

Dont you dear put Dr. Munroe in the same category as Fred Mitchell. Dr.Munroe is an asset to this nation and the world. You all need to stop watching what people have and do something with yourself. Just how he became wealthy I have the same power to once you strive towards it. Jealousy, jealousy, envy! Stop with this fake peacemaker talk because you are spilling utter nonsense! You have no facts, go and do your research chatter box!

On Mitchell to Munroe: Don’t mess with me

Posted 12 March 2014, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal

amble says...

How about dropping dead you imbecile! Keep Your filthy thoughts to yourself.

On Mitchell to Munroe: Don’t mess with me

Posted 12 March 2014, 4:38 p.m. Suggest removal

amble says...

Go to school and get an education than you wont have to be jealous piggy!

On Mitchell to Munroe: Don’t mess with me

Posted 12 March 2014, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

amble says...

You need to go back to school and learn to speak the queens English. Just reading your grammar alone is disturbing. How dear you speak of a man of integrity with such disrespect? You foul mouth beast! You slanderer! You vicious maggot! You need to have your brains checked! Shut the hell up when you do not have anything of substance to say jacko!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Mitchell to Munroe: Don’t mess with me

Posted 12 March 2014, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

amble says...

**The duck goes quack!The cow goes mow! The dog goes woof and The cat goes meow!** **What does the fox say ding ding ding ding ding ding! What does Fred say pow pow pow pow POW**! **Always making noise**. Stop looking for spotlight and let Dr. Munroe teach you some common sense for a change. The dingy bells and their passe always like to call a wise-man a fool when it is the opposite. You all are so deprived and jealous of Dr. Munroe and then seek to batter his character. None of you ever in your lifetime will ever walk where he has walked nor speak. **The Dr. Munroe is a giant of a man, a legend, a Bahamian icon. God cound not of blessed us with better!** I** **I salute you Dr. Munroe!** **Many are called but few are chosen. Dr Munroe you were chosen.**These small minded politicians have a private agenda and will go to any extent to shut out the voice of truth! Yes truth! Dont be scared! J**ust how the FNM party was done in 2012 election, that politician in Foxhill will be done to in 2017 election!!!!!!!!!!**

amble says...

You need to shut up! He is a king in this earth and a father to many you idiot! You demons always have a mouthful to say and makes no sense. Why dont you go do something about your sad life!!!!!!!!! And thank God Dr. Munroe has the gut more than any other scary pastor in nassau to speak out because this country is being governed by a bunch of mules and chipmunks!!!!!!!!

amble says...

Who ever you are may God condemn you! Wait a minute I just may be speaking to a atheist idiot! You called a prophet an idiot! An idiot. Ah! You can never walk in his dirty shoes. You fool Fred is the,imbecile. Its poor cockroaches like you who make it hard for this nation. Do you know the amount of tourism his conferences brought to this nation. That same jet is responsible for spreading knowledge throughout the world. He has a right to be wealthy.Why dont you go and do something with your self and stop envying others!!!!!!!