Comment history

amble says...

No one said gays, transgenders, freaks,lesbians whatever names you keep inventing for your kind is not humans. Simply keep your filth in your closet. You can not impose your perversions on others.

amble says...

You people have an answer for everything! Keep your perversions in your closet. The right for this, the right for that! bllllllllllaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! It sickens me.

amble says...

What part of english you dont understand that he is an intl motivational speaker as well. Of course gays, transgenders whatever would attend an event like that it was not pertaining to sexual orientation but an epidemic that has this world in a crisis. He has a right to voice his opinion. You people are a bunch of cowards.!

amble says...

Oh please! when making a statement speak as a sensible reasoning adult with facts. Not like a 2 year toddler making noise for noise sake for his mommy. If he was in government office this country would not be as foul up as it is right now!

amble says...

This is such an invalid, ignorant statement. Dr. Munroe is a well recognized intl speaker, author, and consultant to governments world wide. You should travel more.