Comment history

andrew7777777 says...

To John Doe.

Racism exists in Sandyport, in Wulf road, in the USA, all over the world.
It has no bearing whatsoever on the school.
To say that the schools model is to attract ex pats, white people and social hierarchy
and that this is discriminatory practice by the school is just plain laughable. It is completely without merit.

I went to St. Andrews (considered white) (15 white people in my graduating class of 60+)
I am curious, does this make me racist in some way or of social hierarchy???

Parents want a better, in fact the best education for their children wether that be
at LW Young, Gov High, Queens College, St, Andrews, Tambearly, abroad or where ever.

A schools location and level of education surely will be the determining factors of how parents want their children to be brought up and taught? Without the distractions of gangs, violence and a social media circus to which the parents of the insulted child are to blame.

The school acted appropriately in its discipline. Thats where this story should have died period!!! Its sad that racism is still right there under the surface, but we all know that it is
otherwise it would not have invoked so many deep down staunch responses to which people have come off of point so far that I dont know to what they are referring.

The real victims here other than the Langfords and Tambearly school are sadly now BOTH boys By all accounts from what I heard on excellent authority, the two boys were the best of friends. Something hurtful was said, why couldn't it have been allowed to work itself out with a quite but firm discipline from the school and stay within the school confines??
The two boys are 5-6 years old!
This media frenzy with the parents of the insulted boy calling for the closure of the school, has caused the parents to fight and their children and all the children of Tambearly to be distracted and talking about this and taking sides instead of learning and growing.

Sad....the boys are 5.

andrew7777777 says...

The parents of the child that was insulted about the way he played soccer are to blame
for bringing this media circus. To them I say "grow up!"

Why does it have anything to do with them or the school or the Langfords???
Just ridiculous.

P.S. Mrs Langford taught me when i was 6 years old.
I know her and her husband, they are very good people.

Again just between two 5 year olds.


andrew7777777 says...

Buncha bull.......the owners are nice people.
Its between two 5 year olds!!!
Anyone else getting in that is dumber than the 2 five year olds.

P>S. Growing up.....I cant tell you how much I heard
"white boy cant jump!!' I took it just fine.

Get a grip people