Comment history

annmon says...

What is unfair in my opinion is that all these young men getting killed pretty much on a daily basis and there seems to be no real outcry for them but now that women are being added to the murder rate more frequently now, they want to have an outcry....both our Gov'ts are at fault for not putting the measures in place to curb this unnecessary violence. The court systems are equally at fault for putting these killers out on bail and OMG the parents are the biggest offenders for allowing their children, male and female to get out of control because the Gov't don't get pregnant and have children. I say start at the root of the problem....the home!!

annmon says...

Minnis need to have a seat in the back of nowhere because he can't seriously be talking about The Bahamas having an immigration problem and he was PM himself....acting like this just started...smt!! Every Gov't that was in seat knows that and have not done enough to curb it....Thank God we have other Family Islands we'll be able to run to when the immigrants run us out of Nassau and Abaco and which ever other Islands they are squatting on!!

On Minnis: We have an immigration crisis

Posted 23 January 2023, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

annmon says...

This is going to drag on until it is swept under the rug just like every other politician who has been under investigation. Only the 'nobody's' are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

annmon says...

national disgrace once again...stop playing politics with PMH and things would run smoothly. All they doing is fighting for rank and office and people just dying un-necessarily within the walls. Some of the nurses don't pay attention to the patients and some of them talk to them like they're dirt(although some of them don't behave so they deserve to be put in their place) with no repercussions even when reported. God help you if that's your only option when sick or if you don't know any one who can help you once you're in there....that place is a deplorable Hell hole. How long does it take to do renovations pray tell? No beds AGAIN? They carrying them home aye? They never have enough beds because instead of building wards everyone wants an office with a view....Ya'll need to stop!!

annmon says...

Prayers for Rev C.B Moss recovery...He is a Good and Faithful servant.

On Rev Dr CB Moss collapses at church service

Posted 11 January 2023, 12:39 p.m. Suggest removal

annmon says...

As long as Lady Pindling is alive and they keep having the majority rule service and recognizing Sir Lynden as the Father of the Nation, Lady Pindling has a right to be recognized...and this is me saying this as a plp never!!!! Minister Fred Mitchell acts as if he's Mr. Prime Minister himself as well as Mr. Frequent Flyer...but he sure got sat down in his lowly seat!!!

On Mitchell blasted by Dame Marguerite

Posted 11 January 2023, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

annmon says...

I am surprised as well to see that they're allowing a discussion. I think they want to read peoples reactions to this story....they just trapsey like that.

On Mitchell blasted by Dame Marguerite

Posted 11 January 2023, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

annmon says...


annmon says...

Clint Watson has sold his soul to the devil PLP....only God can help him get out of the muck that he is wallowing in....don't come to me with no Shabbach Christian group ma brudda because you have lost whatever respect the Bahamian people had for you....God be with you Clint.

annmon says...

What is the problem with the photo?