Comment history

antoeknee says...

It is a known fact that Freeport is a hub for human trafficking/smuggling into the US. Bahamas Immigration can verify. Fred you're incorrect in this matter.

antoeknee says...

That is rubbish. With the country in the economic situation that it's in we should not be turning away business. The sad thing is that there was space in the port. Someone made a big mistake and they should be held accountable.

antoeknee says...

The government know the country can't afford to spend $50M on a new building just so they can feel comfortable. They say they can find the money for that. How about finding the money to help law enforcement to battle the ever increasing crime rate. They should be ashamed of themselves.

On House call for new building

Posted 8 February 2013, 6:53 a.m. Suggest removal

antoeknee says...

With the ever increasing crime rate, the police need all the the extra help they can get. Bahamians should welcome the extra efforts and measures being taken for their safety. After all, if you ain't guilty of anything, you shouldn't mind the extra law enforcement.

antoeknee says...

If you are a tour company here in the Bahamas and you work with the cruise lines, it is prohibited for you to take direct business. The cruise lines want you to refer the guests back to them. You can lose your contract for not doing so.

antoeknee says...

I feel that any citizen should be allowed to protect themselves as long as they pass a Psych Exam, Health Exam and training for the weapon.