Comment history

aristocrat says...

so let's see, we have hurricane for approximately 6 months out of the year, yet we pay for 12 months worth of insurance coverage. Is something wrong here? Can we now as our insurers to deduct the premiums for that portion of the year that we do not have hurricanes now that we are seeing such a huge increase in premiums?
Help me understand this madness, the percentage increase is absolutely ridiculous!!!!!!

aristocrat says...

why are we forced to pay a service fee to deposit funds into a bank, mean while the bank uses those funds to for loans while paying little interest. I find it very unsettling having to pay to deposit my money, pay to with draw it, pay for a printed statement if I need one, pay for using the ATM its a no win situation for the consumers. Something must be done to mitigate all of the additional fees being levied against consumers.

On RBC: Loan activity fall drives fee rises

Posted 29 September 2017, 8:31 p.m. Suggest removal

aristocrat says...

I applaud the government on this initiative to help our neighbours after this terrible storm. We must be our brother's keeper. That being said, we must make better provisions for those already living amongst us for their education. If they are illegal as it relates to their parents, we must send them back to the country their parents are from instead of allowing them to linger without a proper education. No matter their heritage, Haitian, Cuban, Jamaican etc, let's fix the status of those living with us also.
Good luck in this initiative Mr. Prime Minister and God Bless our little nation.

On Govt is working out plan for aid

Posted 26 September 2017, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

aristocrat says...

scrap carnival, invest in Junkanoo plain and simple. Re-brand Junkanoo so that it is a recognized brand world wide. The road fever foolishness has to be abolished, it is down right disgraceful in our society. we have enough madness going on in our country and then we parade nakedness and rude behavior in the streets. scrap carnival.

aristocrat says...

I must admit PM Christie has said and done some things in the past that would cause the eye brows to raise. On this last comment I admit it is being taken out of context. To say that his words were blasphemy is not so. The man made a comment because the microphone was out and saying that things were going so good that the lord can't stop him now is not blasphemy (I took it to mean he was pleading with the lord to not stop him now).

We have all said things or phrases similar asking the good lord to continue our good streaks or the favour that's upon us.

Let's take each comment, statement and or act for what they are and be a bit more sensitive to all that are reading our words.

There are a lot of good commenters on this site for which I am thankful for. Your comments in most instance allow readers to see more than one side of what is written or intended.

The good lord will be the ultimate judge of his words and his intent as only he can see the true heart of man.

God Bless you all and God Bless our beautiful little country no matter who may lead us . Red, Yellow, Green, Blue or Purple.
