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arussell says...

Bahamians are not as stupid as these politicians think (I hope so) We all know this PLP government don't have any idea how to govern this country but if providing jobs even if its for 52 weeks or an election ploy is the best thing considering those 10,000 jobs went down in flames with Bahamar

On Jobs scheme 'is an election ploy'

Posted 27 May 2016, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

arussell says...

I really think the best thing Bran and DNA should do is merge because even if they don't win the next election we will have a stronger opposition and that is exactly whats needed. The sad reality is PLP's supporters DON'T switch before they vote for another party they wont vote at all.

arussell says...

I wasn't going to vote in the up coming referendum because I felt the government will do the same as they did with the gambling referendum. I DON'T trust this government!!!!!

On Loretta doubts ‘yes’ vote win

Posted 23 May 2016, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

arussell says...

Anything over $400 your light will be disconnected and they don't factor in your deposit neither. What I notice with this new company now they actually send you a warning via email and I think its fair that they're doing that.

arussell says...

The big question is which web shop was these person selling numbers for???

On Five held for gaming breach

Posted 7 March 2016, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

arussell says...

Why should I vote? I voted NO in the gaming referendum along with the mass voters that voted and yet still the PLP government went ahead and legalize gambling.....

arussell says...

The only person who should be arrested is the parents!! The criminals are better parents than the idiots that leave the baby in a car..

On Thieves steal car with baby inside

Posted 23 February 2016, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

arussell says...

Makes you wonder if in fact he wasn't release by an officer or maybe paid to be kill and his body dispose by an officer. I don't put anything pass these police officers nowadays especially with the amounts of crimes they are committing.....


Posted 3 February 2016, 8:44 p.m. Suggest removal

arussell says...

Disgrace to the highest level....They need to get people in the market who's going to adhere to the rules and regulation. For far to long the mass majority of these vendors have bought nothing but embarrassment to this country. lawlessness smh

arussell says...

Seems that someone who knows him, killed him. Perhaps a lover. Nothing was stolen, No force entree, No gun shot