Comment history

arussell says...

I didn't even bother reading the entire article, as soon as I reach to the part that say transferring 6 million I stop. My thing is why do we have businesses whether or not its Bahamian or Foreign own, owing BEC so much money? WHY? If I owe BEC a few hundred bucks my light gets disconnected!! So these companies and business should be turn off too!!!

arussell says...

I totally agree who else do we vote for? I don't see anybody in the PLP who can turn that amount of corruption into positive no time soon. Bran is a lost cost. Which only leaves the FNM who has less sandals on record and has turn this country around before but than again that was a different leader. I just dont know

arussell says...

We seem to always follow behind our neighbors (USA) so in saying that, FNM's need to appoint Mrs. Butler- Turner Leader as leader and just maybe like Hilary Clinton who appears to be the next President of USA. A woman as leader just might be what this country needs

arussell says...


arussell says...


arussell says...

The PLP is all fa me baby.....The hell with the Bahamian ppl

On Mitchell to Sarkis: Conform or leave

Posted 5 August 2015, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

arussell says...

We the people are the opposition! We sit back and allow these crooks to continue to bring this country down.

On Mitchell to Sarkis: Conform or leave

Posted 5 August 2015, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

arussell says...

This is nasty and its going to get worst

arussell says...

Many persons who works with melia are indeed happy that the fees are not being deducted anymore! My sister put a sick slip in about 6 weeks and as yet to be paid. Furthermore arrange another way to get you dues.

arussell says...

I mean this is high time WE as a country and people get together to fight this war on crime. I'm a mother with 2 sons a 13yr and 2yr old. I'm completely SCARED to continue raising my kids in this country, everyday it gets worst and worst. I think we must start with a curfew! Lock this place down! do whatever, take extreme measures just as these criminals.