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ashley14 says...

I know it's destroying the economy, but reopening to soon will destroy you. Look at the US they closed us down for two month, but then they got worried about votes and money and took the opposite attitude about the virus. Right now we are in a horrible place. The death rate is probably going hit highs that we never dreamed of. The economy can recover but you can't bring a loved one back. It's hard I know.

On Grand Bahama lockdown extended by 12 days

Posted 9 August 2020, 2:47 p.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

Wow I've never heard of a cane toad. A 20 lb toad. I would scream if I saw one and they are poisonous.

On Nearly 400 invasive cane toads caught

Posted 9 August 2020, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

I don't know how this is going to all turn out. I'm just praying for everyone. I miss the good ole days.

ashley14 says...

Prayers for the Bahamian people. Here in Georgia the numbers are ridiculous, but our government and citizens are mostly ignoring it. The citizens go around bragging that they aren't going to wear a mask. I'm sick of it. Anyone want to adopt me. lol

ashley14 says...

I read this morning Herman Cain loss his life to Covid 19. We lost a good man to this virus. Maybe our government will admit we have a problem and make people comply to safety guidelines. Americans have really showed their ignorance with refusing to follow guidelines. Maybe now that one of them has loss his life they will stand up and take notice. Prayers for his family during this time. RIP my friend!

ashley14 says...

That's too bad, but everything is getting canceled. I go back to work for the first time since March 13 and I can't wait. I need a escape. We are going back to school Monday with no promises. Bringing all of those children together could cause the covid numbers to really increase. Praying everyday for God to take care of all of us! I miss the kids and I'm looking forward to going back to work.

ashley14 says...

Yes! The US is handling the pandemic recklessly. We don't know who to believe anymore. We are being made to go back to work. In GA our Governor is suing Atlanta's Mayor Bottoms for trying to control the spread by issuing a mandatory masks order. Nothing that is going on in the US makes any sense. I guess they are being led by big money and the promise of votes. One thing I'm sure of is the US is in a bad place right now.

ashley14 says...

I would love to come! I miss the Bahamas!

ashley14 says...

Three cases sounds great to me. Can I move there. We have states that 10,000 cases a day, and our President is more worried about the economy than whether we live or die. At least that’s how his reactions make you feel. I have asthma and really don’t need to catch it. I work for the schools which they are making them open and you know what a disaster that could be. I’m going to follow all the safety measures. Most of all Trust God to protect us. You know the Bible’s predictions are happening and things are changing rapidly.

On FRIDAY UPDATE: One new case of COVID-19

Posted 12 July 2020, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

Isn’t this good news. I hope it brings in lots of tourists, which creates jobs. Surely they will still allow straw markets. Maybe Grand Bahama will flourish again. It was a wonderful place many years ago. Let me correct my myself, It is a wonderful place with great people. Prayers for the best for all.