Comment history

ashley14 says...

The only reason I logged by in was to see if you commented to your insults. Now you call me ignorant. I won't be back.

ashley14 says...

Why worry about fish fry. Best advertising is word of mouth. Guess what I have to say about Nassau. Most Islands are wonderful, but some don't like us.

ashley14 says...

Yes, prejudice hurts all colors. I don't believe MLK was just for blacks. Nevermind I know when to shut up.

ashley14 says...

So you don't like whites! I get it. Sorry I didn't choose my color.

ashley14 says...

Really your visitors are your best advertisers. When they visit a warning from the embassy does from the beginning set a negative expectation. The visitors are your best advertisers. If they have a good experience they tell everyone they know and if they don't well should I elaborate. If the food is particularly good, then we will be back and bring our families and friends. If we feel intimidated or scared, you will never see us or anyone else we know back on that island. People don't spend their money on travel to take risks, and most are families with kids. Would you take your kids somewhere that you have any reservations against. Even though a lot of people think all Americans are rich snobs, that isn't true either. A lot of us work everyday just to make ends meet. We save all year to go on holiday, and we certainly don't want any negative experiences. Friendly people, decent food, safe environments, and that's not asking too much. It's common sense.

ashley14 says...

That's the problem, Their Government! Evidently Trump feels much of the same. I don't think he was being racist last week with his statement. He doesn't mind immigrants that bring something to our society. Not drain it. Once your in the States, our government will house, feed and treat you medically if you need it. Let's not forget educate your children. We bus all of the children to and from school. Feed them breakfast and lunch. No cost. Educate them even if they don't know the language. We pay to teach them English then main stream them with everyone else. I am given a new student that knows no English, in less than a year they learn the language. They then advance at the same pace of everyone else. It's great to watch them develop so fast.

ashley14 says...

Even in Fla lots of Coastal Restaurants could use some work and cleaning. That's for you to decide if it bothers you. One the Sea is rough on structures, but a bathroom that you wouldn't go back to is something else. Then anywhere that there is excessive drinking there will be fights and maybe guns fired. I'm not saying I approve. I just don't see any reason to warn people to stay away. Unless it's daily. That's a different story. If your concerned, go to the marina docks its a lot of fun, and you can buy wonderful seafood and make new friends, without drunks. Seeing what they caught that day is a lot of fun.

On Where’s the proof on Fish Fry alert?

Posted 13 January 2018, 6:29 p.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

Oh Geez it's endless!

On Where’s the proof on Fish Fry alert?

Posted 13 January 2018, 5:15 p.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

Most of the time when we have conch we go down to the docks in the morning, buy some conch and fish go home and make boiled fish for breakfast then conch salad for later. I have had fisherman offer to make us some of their awesome conch salad, and I'll say it's awesome.

On Fish Fry ‘no go’ zone in US alert

Posted 13 January 2018, 6:49 a.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

I wouldn't think of it. I have a loyal soul. I left my half of my heart in the Bahamas, and will make it whole again.

On Where’s the proof on Fish Fry alert?

Posted 12 January 2018, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal