Comment history

asiseeit says...

Maybe if you are one of his cronys but what he says to the Nation is pure lies straight from a supposed man of gods mouth. On top of that he is about as smart as a cracker jack box.

asiseeit says...

I will vote for a business man over a lawyer anytime every time. It is time to get some people running this country who actually know how to MANAGE a large entity. The idiots we have had can't manage to wipe their own ass without making a mess.

asiseeit says...

This from a man who has made the lives of Bahamians a living nightmare TODAY! You flip the bird at us, well fuck you and your corrupt government!

asiseeit says...

This company has made the law of the land in The Bahamas look like a useless entity. They have flouted the orders by our supreme court with no care, making the court a paper tiger. There is no real law but the dollar in this country with our current political masters. We live in a corrupt and unjust country that has little regard for the common Bahamian.

asiseeit says...

It would be nice if the RBDF actually took care of the boats. We spend 200 million for them to run into the land? You can't make this crap up!

asiseeit says...

There is sip sip that says it cost U.S. $100-$150 K to talk with the man himself.

On Entrepreneur blasts ‘pay to play’ culture

Posted 24 January 2017, 9:41 a.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Stop lying and say it straight, the only thing extra since 2012 are taxes and the amount of graft and corruption. You and your are happy happy while the rest of The Bahamas gets Fooked. Yinna just the same as the ones you replaced 50 years ago if not worse.

On '32,000 extra jobs since 2012'

Posted 23 January 2017, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The Bahamian people have done their part by accepting and paying VAT, government has betrayed the people and told the Nation that they do not care by increasing spending. Government is the problem people, they are the cancer that must be cut out!

asiseeit says...

No Mr. P.M. we must get rid of you and your band of thieves and lock a couple of you up for good measure. The Bahamian Mafia must be wiped out if this country is to stand a chance!

On PM: We must prove S&P wrong on downgrade

Posted 23 December 2016, 8:30 a.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

And if you are gullible enough to believe this, I have a hotel for sale out at Coral Harbour that needs minor repair, cheap! These people are trying to save their hides, not a word can be believed by these evil people.

On Unemployment falls to 11.6%

Posted 23 December 2016, 8:25 a.m. Suggest removal