Comment history

atwr says...

The Bahamian people want an election....not a carnival!

atwr says...

How about the Police do road blocks and perform sobriety tests? Maybe then after each weekend a new wall around town will not be knocked down and lives will be saved!

atwr says...

not acceptable! We the Bahamian people expect a full resignation not just from the cabinet!

atwr says...

Absolute foolishness. 3rd world thinking and speaking. When will we ever get past the colour of a man's skin...???

atwr says...

also Price Control needs to check out the airport parking which went from 10.00 per day to 11.00 per day including VAT. That's 10%!

atwr says...

Shameful mr miller and mrs pindling....just shameful!

atwr says...

I thought we were broke and needed to raise revenue/taxes not massively increase spending...defense force boats 200million+, raise MP's salary and benefits, new parliament millions.

Come on guys!!!

On MPs seek more pay and new Parliament

Posted 15 May 2014, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

atwr says...

totally agree with the above comment....

On Lawyers are uneasy over judge restrictions

Posted 6 January 2014, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

atwr says...

I agree that its time for new leadership...but an atmosphere of violence is NEVER preferable.

On PM on crime

Posted 3 January 2014, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

atwr says...

Miss me yet? -Hubert Ingraham

On PM on crime

Posted 2 January 2014, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal