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audleymitchell says...

There is no downtown Nassau. We have some relics of our past, the connection to which has been lost through a combination of mis-(or no)education and self-loathing.
There is everything right with us being us. We must stop apologising for being Bahamian, which we are doing every time we substitute the genuine Bahamian experience for "something that some lost soul believes will attract tourists.
People travel to other countries to see something genuine, something unfamiliar. We can be ourselves, live as we are (which, by the way is what culture is) and people will want to come and experience it. When I go to France, I do not want to see Canada, I want to see France. When someone comes to The Bahamas, what do you suppose they want to see?
We can develop ourselves and our offerings (you know, the tourism product), empower the purveyors of this product (you know, our own people), and people will want to experience it.
Is that so hard?

audleymitchell says...

I do not lend much credence to such evaluations. Last year there was a story (cover story, I think) in Time magazine, addressing a similar issue. The Bahamas was ranked low because we had no women in the Cabinet. The CIA World Fact Book was listed as the source.
Utter nonsense.

audleymitchell says...

Is culpability heritable?
If it is in the case of slavery, it should be concerning other issues as well.
Think of the idiocy of it all.

audleymitchell says...

Mr. Fox rightly indicated that "rubber stamping" does not effectively serve the developer or the local engineer. More importantly, Mr. Fox, it does not serve the public interest.
When engineers make mistakes, people die and the results are very expensive, in monetary terms as well as in lost public confidence.

On Don't use Bahamians as 'rubber stamps'

Posted 7 October 2013, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

audleymitchell says...

Apparently, there is the belief that the role of the opposition is to oppose. The role of the opposition is to keep check on the ruling party as they govern to ensure that they be faithful to their commitment, that they act in the best interest of the country. The Foreign Minister ignored the obvious political posturing of some minor public officials from a country who seem to have a habit of contradictory speech and behaviour.
This is disgraceful, inflammatory, opportunistic rhetoric. I thought better of the Leader of the Opposition.

audleymitchell says...

Cannot protect our visitors? Are you serious, Dr. Minnis? Our first priority is to protect our own people. Our leaders seem to do everything in our power to lower the self image of our people. We make every effort to remind our people that we are less important than our visitors, because they bring money. The same concerns that visitors have - safety, security, etc - are the concerns that Bahamians have. If The Bahamas is safe for Bahamians, it is safe for visitors. If we empower our people; if we allow our people to feel ownership of our own land; if we invest in the future of our people; if we stop denying our qualified persons opportunities that now seem to automatically go to foreigners; if we engender hope in our people; then we will recognise a sense of hope, of accomplishment, of opportunity for all, not just a connected few. We will recognise and accept our ownership of our country and act accordingly.

audleymitchell says...

Chinese dream. Read that Chinese hegemony.

On The Chinese dream

Posted 7 May 2013, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal

audleymitchell says...

The status of the person should not matter. It is unwise and illegal to make death threats in a public writing.
There must be clear consequences.

audleymitchell says...

I am with the Commissioner on this one. As much as the police must be careful in the discharge of their duties, so must the public be in their reference to authorities and each other.

audleymitchell says...

Hats off to the people at Doctor's Hospital and the British Colonial Hilton. People helping people. You are ambassadors of us all and a credit to your institution, your country and yourselves. That is the love of God in action.
May God be with the newlyweds.