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august2013 says...

And I voted ***PLP.*** **it's not political** is *sensible*!

august2013 says...

Funny eh? Everyone is crying tings tough...officer's can't get an increase and MP's "**need**" increase. You gat to be joking. When the PLP came to power they said there was no money... and even now they are borrowing money just to make ends meet and you are talking about raise. The speaker of the house, his salary should to be cut to $ 70,000 and take the extra $10,000 and add it to the deputy speaker's salary. I agree with "thisisours"! ***"if you care more about working in a fancy new building and how much you're paid than you do for the country, sit your backside home and don't run to represent anyone. We simply don't have the money to finance your fanciful idea of being a rich and famous high flying executive. Get a job in the private sector"*** You MP's suppose to be smart and intelligent. If someone offers you a job and tells you in advance the salary you will earn, if you can't live with it...then don't take the job. These men seem as though they took the job, knowing well that the salary would not sustain them and now they are trying to justify a raise. When things are bad in a company, no one gets a raise. Things are bad in the Bahamas and **NO** MP should receive a raise... in fact they should go around collecting all the outstanding monies owed to the government and receive a 10% commission on that...I think that's a good incentive. We should then be looking pretty good if we can collect at least 50% of the outstanding and then we can consider a new **HOA** or raise. And from my recollection in business, raises begin at the bottom. ***You take care of your lower level employee's before taking care of yourself***. That is what sacrifice is all about. So you MP's have a long way to go before you **should** see an increase. Yeah...I agree the MP salary are "off" but do some adjustments within...clearly some are receiving too little when other are receiving much more than their counterpart. That need fixing, but don't use the tax payers money to make the adjustments, because at the end of the day the money will still be off in the next 25 years. Create a salary scale and stick to it!

august2013 says...

fire all and replace with some new blood...they will begin to get the message. Government don' joke!

august2013 says...

It's a shame that the Cuban's had to come here from their native land to be beaten like dogs and hogs for us Bahamians to finally do something. People are sent to prison on a daily basis and we hear "horror" stories time after time that they are beaten by officers of the law! This needs to STOP! Officers are there to protect us. When one is sent to prison/detention centre officers are there to ensure that they are secured. The fact that officers have now admitted to this type of behaviour is unbeliveable...unthinkable! Why are we wasting time with them. FIRE them ! Bring them up on charges. It is time they be made an example for all the rest of the officers that think they can in-humanely and cruely beat people the way they did. Our country would not have been faced with this, if the powers that be would start to prosecute those who have been given the awesome task of protecting us, violates that trust. The Cuban's are gone! What about the Bahamian's that cry everyday...what will we do about the police brutality that is happening on a regular basis. And this is not political, so I don't even go there! No matter which government was/is in power we constantly hear of police brutality. You know if the Bahamas ever was the way Cuba is, I would like to think that another country would accept me with open arms and take care of me, even if they had to send me back home. I personally would remember their kindness. Treat people the way you would want to be treated. Think about it, if a woman ran out of her house from her husband, and go to another island...would you take her in a abuse her? Would your treat her like a criminal? Or would you try to help her get herself together even is she decides to return home. We need to do better and show love in spite of their misfortune. Like the saying goes, "if you haven't had any trouble, just wait..." And to think those officers have families, wife, children. To you officers, You don't know where your family will end up, but I pray someone will not do to them, what you have done to those Cubans!

On Minister's pledge on Cuba probe

Posted 3 September 2013, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal

august2013 says...

It's a shame that the Cuban's had to come here from their native land to be beaten like dogs and hogs for us Bahamians to finally do something. People are sent to prison on a daily basis and we hear **"horror"** stories time after time that they are beaten by officers of the law! This needs to ***STOP!*** Officers are there to protect us. When one is sent to prison/detention centre officers are there to ensure that they are secured. The fact that officers have now admitted to this type of behaviour is unbeliveable...unthinkable! Why are we wasting time with them. **FIRE them !** Bring them up on charges. It is time they be made an example for all the rest of the officers that think they can in-humanely and cruely beat people the way they did. Our country would not have been faced with this, if the powers that be would start to prosecute those who have been given the awesome task of protecting us, violates that trust. The Cuban's are gone! What about the Bahamian's that cry everyday...what will we do about the police brutality that is happening on a regular basis. And this is not political, so I don't even go there! No matter which government was/is in power we constantly hear of police brutality. *You know if the Bahamas ever was the way Cuba is, I would like to think that another country would accept me with open arms and take care of me, even if they had to send me back home. I personally would remember their kindness.* Treat people the way you would want to be treated. Think about it, if a woman ran out of her house from her husband, and go to another island...would you take her in a abuse her? Would your treat her like a criminal? Or would you try to help her get herself together even is she decides to return home. We need to do better and show love in spite of their misfortune. Like the saying goes, "if you haven't had any trouble, just wait..." And to think those officers have families, wife, children. ***To you officers,*** You don't know where your family will end up, but I pray someone will not do to them, what you have done to those Cubans!

On august2013

Posted 2 September 2013, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

august2013 says...

I am not PLP nor FNM...I am a Bahamian!

On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 2 August 2013, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

august2013 says...

Did he succeed when he gave the Okyanos approval to operate in Freeport and spend some 5 million plus dollars to upgrade a new facility and now he is "pulling" the rug from under them! What is the real reason?

On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 2 August 2013, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

august2013 says...

I didn't say that...what I said was a legislation was put in place which was not done last year before the FNM lost. Get it right!

On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 2 August 2013, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

august2013 says...

I need him to tell me why now he is so against it, when he gave the okay more than 1 year ago. Accept responsibility and give right where it is due. Give right to the present government for putting a legislation in place and move on!

On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 2 August 2013, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

august2013 says...

The current government put something in place...legislation because they saw it was necessary.

On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 2 August 2013, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal