Comment history

avidreader says...

Nothing to joke about. Very dry and windy up here for months. Some people are very careless with their cigarette butts.

avidreader says...

Get real man! Montague Beach at 1 am is a very different place that it is at 1 pm. Maybe you could get away with that in the old days but New Providence today is very different and not in a good way. Be cautious out there.

avidreader says...

Why are these people so enthusiastic about a trap that many an innocent person can fall into? The burden of proof is a very heavy load in such cases. The feminists should ease off on their crying and simply state their desire to have an additional weapon with which to threaten the man.

On FNM: PM flip flops over marital rape

Posted 25 April 2024, 4:43 p.m. Suggest removal

avidreader says...

Don't be a woke fool. He never said that. The problem lies in the matter of evidence and proof. You are walking a very dangerous tightrope when two people are living together and one accuses the other of a violent crime that should require a high standard of proof. In the old days more than one woman discovered the efficacy of a pot of boiling grits accurately aimed.

avidreader says...

Mr. Smith, I assure you that I am firmly in your corner as are many other Bahamians but surely you understand that you are at a tremendous disadvantage in this ongoing struggle. As the other party to this controversy would say, if only privately and behind closed doors, "money talks and BS walks". Very rarely will a Bahamian win out in a contest with an adversary in possession of greater financial resources. For better or for worse, that is how the capitalist world works.

avidreader says...

My Dear Sir, may I suggest that the UK should be more concerned with the constant invasion of illegal migrants crossing the English Channel on a daily basis than with the efforts of Russia to maintain its position as a power to be reckoned with. Don't give me the argument that it is somehow wrong for Russia to be concerned by the presence of a hostile entity on its national border after having received assurances on numerous occasions that NATO would not expand any further eastwards than the border of the German Federal Republic. While I admit that "a promise is comfort to a fool" I should have imagined that the organization known as NATO would have ceased to be relevant after the demise of the former USSR. However that has proven to not be the case as western powers see Russia as somehow weak and seeking various classes of assistance from friendly countries. Notice that Ukraine receives help from many countries even as it is being destroyed day by day. Perhaps NATO is looking for the next sacrificial lamb to be thrown against Russian military power. I certainly hope that it will mot be Poland, a country that has suffered terribly in numerous conflicts.

On PETER YOUNG: NATO fulfils its purpose

Posted 16 April 2024, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

avidreader says...

Always fun when someone else is paying the bills. BMW is known for very high maintenance costs. Also, electric vehicles are not going to replace internal combustion engines anytime soon. Additionally, with reference to the first comment on this topic at the top of this column, the fact is that Sweden has some serious social issues resulting from the influx of immigrants from different cultures. So much so that the present government is moving toward restricting the inward flow that has resulted in a very high crime rate. The Irish Republic is experiencing difficulties in this area as well. Their First Minister (Prime Minister?) resigned a few days ago after two proposed constitutional amendments were rejected by the populace. Also, I am unsure as to how Sweden became entangled in this thread since BMW is a German product with facilities in Munich far to the south of the country.

On Govt defends $192k new BMW for PM

Posted 21 March 2024, 5:48 p.m. Suggest removal

avidreader says...

Always fun when someone else is paying the bills. BMW is known for very high maintenance costs. Also, electric vehicles are not going to replace internal combustion engines anytime soon. Additionally, with reference to the first comment on this topic at the top of this column, the fact is that Sweden has some serious social issues resulting from the influx of immigrants from different cultures. So much so that the present government is moving toward restricting the inward flow that has resulted in a very high crime rate. The Irish Republic is experiencing difficulties in this area as well. Their First Minister (Prime Minister?) resigned a few days ago after two proposed constitutional amendments were rejected by the populace.

On Govt defends $192k new BMW for PM

Posted 21 March 2024, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

avidreader says...

Thee concept of a two state solution to the question was rejected by Israel from the very beginning. Look up the name of the Swedish diplomat Folke Bernadette in order to discover his "reward" for advocating a two state solution in 1948. Most people don't know enough history to grasp fully the dimensions of the problem

avidreader says...

Just brief message to the young fellow: Son, these are real sharks, not some imitation created for Disney world. We local people try to avoid being near to them.

On American boy bitten by shark at resort

Posted 16 January 2024, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal