Comment history

ayatollah says...

lets do this Bahamas please help this child have a wonderful life..GOD bless

ayatollah says...

we must have the most stupid police force in the world

ayatollah says...


ayatollah says...

kill them all,bunch of no good dogs

On Businessman shoots would-be robber

Posted 24 June 2013, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

ayatollah says...

mr minister is a joke....

ayatollah says...

only five years..what a joke

ayatollah says...

Potcake you need to name them so we can shame. Them

On Miller: top hotel owes BEC $10m

Posted 10 June 2013, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

ayatollah says...


ayatollah says...

you kill the man now stop bitching and do your time

ayatollah says...

just do your m.f ing job ...and stop letting nine white men 6000 miles away run this country

On PM speaks out after latest murders

Posted 5 June 2013, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal