Comment history

azealmcfall says...

Minister Mitchell is focusing on the exposure of the level of "homophobia" as a result of the loud public outcry to these bills, especially No. 4. What he is missing is that the loud outcry more correctly demonstrates and exposes the level of spirituality and love for God and His Word in this country. Minister Mitchell needs to know that despite what's going on in this country, the majority of people have a strong Christian foundation, and homosexuality is considered an abomination in the sight of our God. If people who engage in this deviant behavior want to do this in the privacy of their homes, then that's their besiness; they will answer one day for their actions. But do not expect the people of this country to endorse this abominable lifestyle. Righteousness still exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.

azealmcfall says...

This Country should be alot more concerned about God Almighty cutting it off rather than the United States Of America cutting us off. Mr. Mitchell should restrict his role to representing the country and stop seeking to advance this ungodly, unhealthy, unnatural life style. It does not make a difference who supports this filth; we should be aware that endorsement of this abominable lifestyle will bring destruction upon our country. Righteousness still exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. This nation has strived and succeeded because of it's conservative values, and because of its general overall acknowledgement of and commitment to the things of God. We can not allow one man on a mission from the Devil to destroy our country. Pastor Azeal J. McFall.