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babygems5 says...

I find it interesting that people are now finding fault with Bishop Ellis now because he resigned. Not because you are a child of God means you have to settle for mediocur or minority. I am sadden by our Bahamain peoples response to this. How would you feel if you have worked tirelessly for a cause for 20 full years and to have someone throw it back in your face because you are black or a woman or a man oh sorry you are to young or not tall enough HELLO where were you when i was workin my tail off. It is the principle of the matter he is saying we are not inferior we are above and not beneath. You should bproud that we have someone from our small nation making a mark on a larger scale. HATs of to you Bishop Ellis for making a stand. AND People dont be idiots have you ever heard of this Walker before now? No you havent he comes in after the hard work is done to ride of your fellow Bahamain's fame. That wat they do down there in Ten